Aims! Shane is at an IB school this year and we LOVE it so much!
'Out Of Gas'
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
I've tried to poke in now and again, but I guess I've been lurkery because it's hard to cannonball into the middle of a discussion.
#BoozAllenisDeadtoMe and I'm my own boss now, with one employee other than me but several contracts and a few subject matter experts I pull in from time to time. Despite that change, I'm still running the same project that I took from a startup inside the government to a big deal; we got namechecked in the White House' Best in Class list this year and were shortlisted for SXSW. (I don't think we got in, but another panel I'm supporting did, so now I'm trying to find a place to stay in Austin during SXSW).
Still married, still have one precocious-yet-often-dumbass son, who is somehow 11 and in 6th grade. Still haven't seen Hamilton.
Miss you guys - it's good to see you.
I'm my own boss now, with one employee other than me but several contracts and a few subject matter experts I pull in from time to time.
So you're literally Sherlock Holmes now?
So you're literally Sherlock Holmes now?
One of us was gonna be, sooner or later.
I'd rather be Mycroft, but sure. Now I need to inform Jason I'll be calling him "Watson" from here on out.
That is all.
Have fun in Austin, Raq!
Aims! Shane is at an IB school this year and we LOVE it so much!
I am loving every little thing about it.
Most importantly, the lack of multiple behavioral issues. I didn't fancy getting sliced open and punched in the face anymore.
::waves at everyone::
So good to see alllllllla the pixels, man. I'd forgotten how much I missed this place.
I did forget a couple of things—both of the Rugrats are in college now. (I don't even know how that happened.) The Snark is likely going to be a photography major (although he hasn't confessed that yet, at least, not to me) and the Diva is in Los Angeles at Loyola Marymount as an animation major.
And in the realm of my writing, I did finally have my first non-YA/women's fiction short story published in the Bouchercon anthology for this year. It's on its surface a mystery/crime story, but it is, in actuality, the origin story for the paranormal/horror thriller I've been working on.
So-- yeah.
I certainly don't count as a lurker, that would imply I come here on occasion. But I see a lot of you on Facebook, thankfully!
My update is going to sound bad, but I assure you it's truly the opposite. I'm in the process of a divorce. But that is not cause for sadness. It's cause for riotous celebration! I'll spare you all the details but will simply say that I've been in an emotionally abusive marriage for seven years now and I was stuck for a very very long time due to the standard fear and isolation, but also the very real financial roadblocks to getting out. But I made friends. They raised me up. They helped me find a way. And sometime in the next few months (please send all the -ma you can spare, as the Belgian courts are giving me a pretty big hassle), my beautiful daughter and I will be FREE. We're moving back to America, presuming the judge here approves the mutual agreement we've signed. I'm getting nothing, in fact I'm being totally screwed by the divorce, but I'm getting Luna and I'm getting my freedom and those are the only two things I care about. I'll happily start over from zero with a child in tow if I am able to do it on my own terms finally.
In other news, Luna is six now, fully bilingual, and never stops talking. She's smart and funny and beautiful and I am often amazed she came from me. I cannot wait to see how much she thrives when surrounded by family that loves her all the time.
I'm biding my time. It passes slowly. I cook and read and hang out with friends. I started painting a couple years ago and just recently switched from acrylics to watercolors. I now spend a significant chunk of my free time painting. I'm remembering who I was and figuring out who I'll be once I get to live again. I'm anxious but hopeful!