Hello, Lurkers!
Oh! A couple of weeks ago I saw Harry Groener, aka The Mayor, live and in person, playing both Abraham Lincoln and LBJ. He was *fabulous* as LBJ, but I kept waiting for him to ascend.
Ha! I did a show with him last spring (he was playing General Sherman) and I felt much the same way.
I'm currently three months into my first real full-time-with-benefits job after 12 years of free-lancing. I guess you'll have to tune in next time to see how it works out.
Yay, lurkers! Good to see your pixels.
Okay, looks like I can still post. I'm still in the same place and the same job. But I've managed (somehow) to lose a bunch of weight and my health seems to be okay despite the scare back in the Spring with the internal bleeding and the hospital visit , etc.
My cat died this summer: she had just turned 20. I miss her alot.
This thread is now closed for the year. But remember, delurkers, you can always post in, you know, all the other threads! Or see you next October!
I love all the lurkers on principle, I also love many of the long-lost not seen recently around these parts posters, the rest of you regular tagalongs whatev.
Despite what I just said, I am really the nicest.
I am currently on the market for an ex-husband who will take the kid every-other weekend and toss me a few bills to help out. Thanks.
I was wondering when this thread will open!