Late opening! Whoops!
Late opening! Whoops!
Oh heyyyyyy thread!
I love all the lurkers on principle, I also love many of the long-lost not seen recently around these parts posters, the rest of you regular tagalongs whatev.
Despite what I just said, I am really the nicest.
I am currently on the market for an ex-husband who will take the kid every-other weekend and toss me a few bills to help out. Thanks.
I was wondering when this thread will open!
Hi, lurkers!
Hey lurkers! Ally ally oxen free!
::scatters tempting lurker snax all over topic::
snarfs up the snax
I'm not really a lurker, but I'm not quite the frequent poster I used to be.
OMG, it's been a year? Wow.
I know, right?
I brought popcorn!