Other way good podcasts--the Kevin Pollack Chat Show and The Proopcast from Greg Proops. Smart and funny.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Wow! You have no idea how much time I have spent finding music that is just the right beats per minute. It makes such a difference.
(do we get stomped for Nattering here?)
eta: Marking all the ideas!
I have pictures of amych fencing when she was at the tournament in Cincinnati almost exactly a year ago: [link] and [link] It was excellent to watch.
Oh, that reminds me - we have a Cinci tournament again this season. March sometime.
Yay for the Delurking thread! So great to catch up with everyone and see new faces. I am mostly a lurker these days due to business and a toddler.
The biggest change in the last year has been a new position with my same company. I am now doing cool stuff with social media and working from home full-time (A.W.E.S.O.M.E.). Still married to my lovely wife, who is a stay-at-home mom to our 21-month-old boy. Still living with 3 kitties in the same old place.
I expect some big changes in the next few years as we are discussing the possibility of a second child as well as a move out-of-state. We'll see.
Lovely to see you all! If you'd like to check in with me on occasion, feel free to visit my blog and drop me a line. [link]
I would love to hang out with Laura and tell her all my drama...on her boat!!
Glam, where out of state? Should we start recruiting?
Nope, this is not a stomping thread, however, I will give you a stern look over the top of my glasses, as this is not supposed to be nattery! Otherwise how will the delurkers keep up? But yes, you may respond to everyone's news, just try not to keep sustained unrelated conversations going.
Also? Amy should totally talk about fencing. I find it fascinating!
And that was a fierce picture!
I just love, love, love delurkings. I want to know about you! I mean... not know you're there, know about what makes you you. I realized last week in Supernatural that I lurked for about ten months before I delurked. Y'all were interesting, I guess. Something.
I remember all who've delurked so far, I believe. And ehab I totally recognize from Supernatural. This is an awesome thread.
I'm transitioning between Baltimore and DC, living with my sister in Rehoboth at the moment. Work for myself; I could no longer take the insanity that was retail management. Well, retail anything these days, really. It's kind of tough, but I'm so very much happier on balance. I miss Baltimore more than I thought I would, though!
I love the term re-delurker. It's very comforting somehow.