Ouise! Una! Hi!
That's all I've got.
Ouise! Una! Hi!
That's all I've got.
My goodness, Ouise.
Hi quester and Dana!
Yes, I could do without the drama.
Slipping in under the Delurking wire....
Hi, I'm BJ and I delurked last year on Oct. 4th (couldn't format the link to the post correctly, my fault entirely.)
My life has not changed much in a year, but taking a cue from the Board, I went in on a form of CSA share, wherein once a week I go to a farm (smack in the middle of housing developments and the University of Central Florida) and pick produce from whatever's growing. Learned I don't like Malabar Spinach.... A few months ago, I adopted my first ever dog. I've really enjoyed all the Board 'rescue pet' stories, as Perrie is also a rescue. We're still learning about each other but so far we seem to suit one another. The boy cat, however, Seriously Disapproves. Is it normal to be planning a Halloween costume for my dog? Have I become a dog-person? Still haven't tried Fernet or green nail polish but I figure that's what the future is for.
Welcome back, BJ!
Hi BJ!
BJ, hi! Should you decide to take the plunge, let me rec Orly's It's Not Rocket Science. It's a mid-green, not pastel, not dark, with a glint of gold and a lot of glitter. Heh, it won't be long till you're one of us!
Is it normal to be planning a Halloween costume for my dog? Have I become a dog-person?
Hi, BJ! I think that's perfectly ok. It's much easier to get a dog to do silly cheesy things that are not its own idea, that it is to get a cat to do them. And being bi-petual is a lovely thing, too.
Hi BJ!
I'm wearing green nail polish right now, AIFG!
Hi, delurkers and re-lurkers everywhere. Love this thread. Love the board. I'm not nearly around as much as I used to be. Or maybe, I'm around as much but I don't post as much. But I still love my Buffistae as much as ever.
So far this year, I've changed jobs three times. I bought a condo, turned one of the bedrooms into a JLo worthy walk in closet, and filled it with way more shoes than one person needs. I got a black cat named Rosario and I'm convinced she is a demon. I dated someone new for the first time since my marriage ended in 2008. It did not go well, but it went, so that's a good thing. I am going to Egypt and Ethiopia in December to celebrate my 40th birthday. And I got into this here thread just under the wire. Good Times.