Nothing has changed for me since last year this time. Same job, same house, same car, same cats, same lack of boyfriend. Oh, wait, no, I let my hair grow out, and I lost ten pounds. It's all good.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
You changed your hair! I saw it!
I let it grow out! That's all! It's the same color! Sort of.
Nothing has changed for me since last year this time. Same job, same house, same car, same cats, same lack of boyfriend.
Same here except change "cats" to "cat."
Same here except change "cats" to "cat."
Same here, except in addition to changing "cats" to "cat", change "car" to "cars" and "boyfriend" to "girlfriend" or maybe "inflatable sheep".
Ooh, my post has changes! I moved, which has been a fantastic thing, and I sold two books to HarperTeen, which is also a fantastic thing.
Still have the husband and three kids. Two cats now. And I'd still like to hit people hard, but instead I think I'm signing up for yoga.
If you ever need to find me, I'm usually in Supernatural, where last I heard ita and I talk more than anyone else, by a relatively obscene amount.
Yes, Amy is quite shameful in Supernatural.
I, on the other hand...okay, I'm beyond shameful.
I did think of one other thing that's changed--I'm drawing again, which was a huge re-acquisition for me. Maybe in next year's delurk I can add photography to that.
I'm askye and I've become a bit of a lurker.
I'm also behind on Supernatural -- I got behind last week because SLNRLBF (Second life now real life boyfriend) who is a lurker came to visit.
SLNRLBF lives in VT and I live in FL and I'm hoping in April/May 2011 to move up there.
I have 2 cats Maddie and Dean (named for Dean Winchester) and much like the character Dean the cat loves food and hates to be separated from his family. Seriously it's the only time he meow- hungry or separated.
My life is kinda boring mostly work, World of Warcraft, watching tv, playing with the cats, and finding creative ways to spend time with said boyfriend.
Also I have the cutest nephew in the world. And I'm totally biased. He's 2, he's a total cutiehead and he calls me Ala.
I have a dog, cat and car that I didn't have at this time last year. One of those is an unalloyed good. The other two I'm a little on the fence about.
I love the regular poster's updates!