Hi Margaret! I love Portland, it's the only other place I'd consider living (and may still).
I worked on and off up there for three or so years. Instead of a hotel, I found a crazy little apartment above a garage (chauffeur's quarters) on the property of one of the mansions near the entrance to Washington Park. I loved that place dearly and was heartbroken to give it up. I actually speculated on how I could afford to keep it for all of 3 seconds. The best location I've ever lived in. I wish I had known someone to take it off my hands because it was a truly extraordinary space and location, though miserably hot in the Summer.
Hi...you don't have to be intimidated.
Hi, Margaret! Nice to meet you. I miss Buffy too.
Le sigh.
ehab, that is puzzling for poor Monkey. What brand of food is it, Natural Balance?
Hi, Margaret. Good to see you.
Safe journey, Theresa.
Safe journey, Theresa, as Windsparrow said. And safe return. Fun in the middle!
ehab, we're glad you delurked.
Margaret, it's good to see you here, too!
Windsparrow the brand is Royal Canin.
I looked at the ingredients lists on that. The canned food looks like it is decent. The main objection that I have to the dry formulation is that there seems to be precious little actual meat in it. Still, figuring out allergies, food or otherwise, is no easy thing. Best wishes for Monkey. Maybe another variety will do the trick.
It's hard to think of myself as a lurker, but I think I may have reached that point. I just can't keep up with anything but the tiniest threads anymore, but I still love you guys. That seems like something one might drunken post, but I swear, I'm just sleepy and a tad emotional.
And, in an odd El Cerrito loves carrots twist (or, would that be Bob loves El Cerrito?), I used to take the bus from Marin and switch to Bart in El Cerrito to go to my job at the Oakland Public Library for the month or so that I worked there before I got my full time job back home in Alaska. (so, hi ehab!)
My question: are there any other Alaskanistas yet? I mean, other than AnotherAlaskan, who, alas, no longer even lurks.
It's hard to think of myself as a lurker, but I think I may have reached that point. I just can't keep up with anything but the tiniest threads anymore, but I still love you guys. That seems like something one might drunken post, but I swear, I'm just sleepy and a tad emotional.
But! I see you on Facebook, so since I see you there, I don't think of you as a lurker here. If that makes any sense at all.
Hi, Margaret and ehab!
Hi, Margaret! I too love Portland.
Hi, libkitty! You lurker you.