Absolutely! Talk and watch sometime maybe with pocket frogs [and wine].
That sounds awesome.
Absolutely! Talk and watch sometime maybe with pocket frogs [and wine].
That sounds awesome.
And a couple of other places in El Cerrito, actually.
I had a year when I was younger where I moved in the same 10 mile radius 8 times! I think that year prompted me to move back to my childhood home and pay my mother rent. I've had it with moving.
33 Revolutions, the local café and my home away from home, is sadly gone, succumbing to the rough economic times.
I miss it! One of the owners has a record store now, though.
One of the owners has a record store now, though.
Where? My record collection is probably still lurking in his stock.
Where? My record collection is probably still lurking in his stock.
It's on San Pablo near the new Black Oak, and a block or two down from Dwight (the cafe, Good Vibrations etc.)
Cool neighborhood. I'll have to check it out. Black Oak has quite a bit of my father's book collection.
Black Oak has quite a bit of my father's book collection.
You can go visit it!
I thought of you when they closed, 33 Revolutions, ehab. Sorry it's been such a tough year with the house fix-up.
Glad to hear you've got a new job, ehab! Great to hear from you.
Hello, ehab! Monkey looks like a wonderful kitty! I hope they find the reason for the itching and make it stop - it's horrible to be itchy.
ehab, we're very happy to have you in SPN thread. And I don't know who's playing with Monkey (who is indeed adorable) in that video, but Sara had the same sundress this summer!
Welcome, welcome. Glad you're here.