Flea, I was class of '89 so I just missed him. I haven't met Uncle Billy but I know his classmate, John Van Doren (brother of Charles, the quiz show guy, class of '46.) I thought that Chuck Nelson, father of Annapolis president Chris, was class of '47 but he's '45. My all-time favorite Johnnie is George Levine, class of '44 (Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun, one of my heroes, was his classmate.) Last I knew George was working on a musical about his adventures as The Phone Ranger. He brought one of the landmark cases that led to splitting up Ma Bell. Guy is a trip.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Figured I'd better get in here under the wire.
I'm EpicTangent (RL name Melanie). I live in San Diego, and since Cass' migration to the Great Northwest, am the only San Diego-ista (unless this post draws out a local lurker...Bueller?) I'm single & have two cats, neither of them ginger.
I've been here since (I think) late 2002, having found my way here via a link on wilwheaton.net regarding Firefly, if I remember correctly. I wished I had found b.org sooner after the years of wishing for someone with whom to discuss Buffy et al.
I am against cilantro and olives, and therefore assume I'd have anti-muffaletta leanings as well, though at this point it's mere conjecture. I refuse to be talked out of the serial comma or the double-space after a period. And I am in favor of all of the Tom's in Buffista residence.
I am active, well "active" in Bitches. I read most of the TV threads, but am usually far enough behind that I almost never post in them. I lurk in Natter, and I read all of the "right-hand" threads.
What time exactly does this thread close? We should have a party! and a countdown!
I would assume Midnight Pacific time, more or less.
Then again it might be whenever a stompy gets to it...
I, too, am managing to delurk at the last minute but am comforted by the “good enough” theory of life that many of the posters here embrace and remind myself that just before the deadline means that I met the deadline. I’ve been a continuous reader and rare poster for most of the past decade (about the time the Davids got their distinguishing board names and Buffy was being re-run in the summer) but haven’t managed the in-person connections yet. I was scheduled to attend the New Orleans F2F but life intervened (which was a source of much wailing and gnashing of teeth, earning me funny looks from the other commuters) and I had to cancel at the last minute. I am a fan of the serial comma (and the parenthetical but I think that is another debate entirely) and an anti-fan (is that the word? is that even A word?) of both olives and cilantro. Right now, I live in a stereotypical white bread suburb of Houston (where I swear there are people for whom “Mad Men” is a reality show and not a period piece) but will be moving to a small town on the Oregon coast in the spring – and one of the best things about a good move is that I get to take this board with me.
Something that I didn’t realize since I don’t post very often – apparently, I am also a fan of the run-on sentence.
Everyone who delurked -- THANK YOU for delurking!!! Please keep posting!
And any lurkers who didn't delurk -- don't feel like you have to wait for next year's thread to delurk; you can jump in any time.
t edit Yay! lcat delurked as I was posting my thank you/exhortation! Hi, lcat!
What Steph said!
::scatters candy and lights jack-o-lanterns to make the last evening festive::
What Amy said!
throws candy in the air
It's been good to see everyone - familiar faces who haven't posted in a while, and people who are new or maybe just new to me. I haven't posted much in this thread, but I certainly have enjoyed it.
This thread has been fantastic to learn about new people and catch up with people who drifted away. Lurkers, please post more often!