It's been good to see everyone - familiar faces who haven't posted in a while, and people who are new or maybe just new to me. I haven't posted much in this thread, but I certainly have enjoyed it.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
This thread has been fantastic to learn about new people and catch up with people who drifted away. Lurkers, please post more often!
Me = procrastinator. Board name MFNlaw, real name Maria. Yes to all the items listed in thread: serial comma, olives (OH HELL YES!), muffalettas, cilantro, Fernet (I'm Italian; of course I love the Fernet.), double space after period, ellipses, parentheticals, colons (both the organ and punctuation mark), and the under-used but oh-so-lovely semi-colon. Oh, and I also keep my fork in my left hand when using a fork and knife. Why switch back? It just delays the consumption of yummy, yummy food.
Hockey is the one true sport, and the one true martini is dirrrrty and made with Grey Goose and bleu cheese-stuffed olives. I prefer Angel to Buffy, still haven't finished Firefly, and am meh on Dollhouse. I also refuse to watch the last 5 episodes of BSG, because then it's really over.
I live in the metro DC area with two cats, a beagle, and a husband who inspires extremes of emotion. I'm a lawyer who uses the degree in a non-traditional career path, which seems to be working out, since I was just promoted at the beginning of the month to head my division. I'm Italian and American, and family is very important to me. My blood family owns a restaurant in Pennsylvania, and I can often be found helping them out. My other family is here--on this board--and I will cut any bitch that hurts one of them.
I joined sometime around Nillyfest in 2004, just in time for the DC F2F. I don't remember how I found the board, but my timing was fabulous. When I post, it's usually in Bitches and Natter, but it's been a long time since I've put fingers to keyboard. I try and keep up with the right-hand threads to at least maintain some kind of connection to all of you.
I've met more Buffistas than I can remember, and many of them have become the kind of friends you keep for a lifetime. There are a few that I consider sisters. Despite my lack of presence around these parts, there's not a day I don't think of all of you and thank my lucky stars I stumbled across this place.
Barb!!! Sue!!!
I love this thread....
Maria, it's good to see you!
lcat! Thanks for a last minute post in delurk!
I like this new tradition. It'll give us something to look forward to as we get into the fall in 2010.
This sounds like West Side Story!