Sounds like that Hamster needs a training wheel.
Or maybe she just likes the flinging.
Sounds like that Hamster needs a training wheel.
Or maybe she just likes the flinging.
So this thread turns into a pumpkin on my birthday. Talk about an anti-present.
I hope we end this thread by saying delurkers are welcome to delurk any time, they don't have to wait for October...
t giggles at ZAR's lurky giggling.
Baseball is good for Olbermann's um, cockles, so even though I still don't grok it, that's good enough right now.(I need a fan to explain stuff someday, preferably not with his depth of knowledge, but basketball is not as subtle.Many times announcers become excited about things that I don't even notice as things.) I do think I understand cats, but maybe that's what they want you think.
Welcome, Maggie! Jings, that's an impressively low ID number thingummy!
Man, this thread was a GREAT idea!
I thought dogs were supposed to be the uncritical lovers.
It depends on the cat and the human. It helps to keep in mind what cats want. Food, clean litter box, cozy place to nap, lack of sudden loud noises, attention when and as they (and not you) want it, play opportunities, and you've gone a long way. The tricky part is figuring out the priority each cat places on each of those things.
Her solution to the dizziness? She starts chasing it the other direction!
Speaking as a dancer, this actually works!
wrt cats - I like the fact that they're much less needy than dogs. I mean, I'm not anti-dog or anything, really, but the comparatively low-maintenance nature of cats suits me.
Re low-maintenance, there's a recent study checking out your pets' carbon pawprint. Apparently even a medium-sized dog is more damaging than an SUV. Cats are far more environmentally friendly. (Except in Australia, where they chew up all the native wildlife.)
(Except in Australia, where they chew up all the native wildlife.)
Huh. I would think that would be less true in Australian, what with all the freakish wildlife you have there.