Ogopogo totally lives in Lake Okanagan. Ceramic figures are pretty much a tourist staple.
'Life of the Party'
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Totally! I grew up in the Okanagan, and that o is just weird.
::high fives::
:: high fives :: Plei!
I have always wondered about Ogopogo. Now I know!
Last night's supper was spinach, a honeycrisp apple, bleu cheese and egg with a raspberry dressing.
hmm, I have all of these things except raspberry dressing, but I'm sure that balsamic would work as well. perhaps I have a plan for dinner now. hmmm.
Anyone who's had issues with bleu cheese should give Roaring Forties a go. It's got an almost sweet flavor with a hint of salty overtones, which makes it lovely for snacking on with fruit.
Nom nom nom...
raspberry dressing
I've used balsamic with great success, but this Trader Joe's concoction is gorgeous. I could eat 3 lbs of spinach with the stuff.
One could read I Go Pogo while around Ogopogo.
Heya Delurkers,
I don't really think of myself as a lurker, but I went into deep lurk by accident for a year (or two???). I think this thread is a great idea. It's nice to see so many of you show your pixels. I don't know from mufflelattas or even Fernet, but I've been here for nearly ever (World Xing days). Welcome. And a special welcome to vroomvroom, because your cousin is just that awesome.
And a special welcome to vroomvroom, because your cousin is just that awesome.
Awww, that's the nicest thing for you to say! Um. Unless you're talking about another one of Vroom's cousins! Which, still a nice thing to say.