Last night's supper was spinach, a honeycrisp apple, bleu cheese and egg with a raspberry dressing.
hmm, I have all of these things except raspberry dressing, but I'm sure that balsamic would work as well. perhaps I have a plan for dinner now. hmmm.
Jayne ,'Jaynestown'
Last night's supper was spinach, a honeycrisp apple, bleu cheese and egg with a raspberry dressing.
hmm, I have all of these things except raspberry dressing, but I'm sure that balsamic would work as well. perhaps I have a plan for dinner now. hmmm.
Anyone who's had issues with bleu cheese should give Roaring Forties a go. It's got an almost sweet flavor with a hint of salty overtones, which makes it lovely for snacking on with fruit.
Nom nom nom...
raspberry dressing
I've used balsamic with great success, but this Trader Joe's concoction is gorgeous. I could eat 3 lbs of spinach with the stuff.
One could read I Go Pogo while around Ogopogo.
Heya Delurkers,
I don't really think of myself as a lurker, but I went into deep lurk by accident for a year (or two???). I think this thread is a great idea. It's nice to see so many of you show your pixels. I don't know from mufflelattas or even Fernet, but I've been here for nearly ever (World Xing days). Welcome. And a special welcome to vroomvroom, because your cousin is just that awesome.
And a special welcome to vroomvroom, because your cousin is just that awesome.
Awww, that's the nicest thing for you to say! Um. Unless you're talking about another one of Vroom's cousins! Which, still a nice thing to say.
Hi, I'm Tom Scola.
When I was growing up, my father was prone to fits of rage, and I was subjected to frequent verbal abuse. My mother was at best indifferent, and never did much to protect me. In school, I was a nerd who had trouble fitting in.
As I reached adulthood, my difficulty fitting in had blossomed into a full-fledged version of Avoidant Personality Disorder, I was extremely shy, and had a crippling inability to form and maintain relationships.
I posted in the first TableTalk thread, in 1999. Just once. Eventually, I posted a little more. In February 2001, I attended a gathering of NYC Buffistas: Jesse, msbelle, Trudy Booth, Jessica, megan walker, and Fiona P were there, along with several other former Buffistas. There were several other NYCista gatherings that year. In 2002 I attended the Chicago F2F.
I've been in analysis for almost the whole time. I've made a lot of progress, but I still have a way to go. I still have bouts of self loathing, and I still have a tendency to want to hide away sometimes.
I started delurking in 1999, but it's still an ongoing process for me. I know I'm getting better because I now have friends all over the world. Friends who are cool, accepting, funny, wicked smart, and just so fucking awesome. Thank you for being my friends.
Oh, and olives suck.
It was so good to see you the other night, Tom.
I feel like there should be more, but that really says it, I think.
See, and the ironic thing here is that encountering Tom Scola invariably cranks up my shyness to eleven, because he is so awesome.
Stupid world.
(Luckily this is not the case with most other Buffista lasses, as the epic snogfest at the last F2F will attest)
Oh, and olives suck.