I'm not even sure if I'd de-lurked when Holli and CV were still active, but I do remember the names well.
Me too.
'Dirty Girls'
I'm not even sure if I'd de-lurked when Holli and CV were still active, but I do remember the names well.
Me too.
I remember both of your names, so either we had some overlap or its Sumiko's doing. She's been keeping me informed for YEARS. She rocks.
Now, do we need to try to get Darth over here for the reunion/delurkathon?
Now, do we need to try to get Darth over here for the reunion/delurkathon?
Heh, I was wondering if you all were still in touch with Darth.
I see Darth regularly on FB/Twitter, and occasionally walking down random streets.
That's right, Carrboro -- the D-town is now the center of the known universe.
Anyway, Darth is still acting, recently married to a v. nice boy, bought a house, and from all outward appearances doing awesomely.
recently married to a v. nice boy
That's excellent!
congratulations, Darth!
Married Darth, preggo CV - this is TOTALLY turning into the Buffista High reunion thread.
I. Love. It.
recently married to a v. nice boy
A very nice, very talented *musician* boy. I would link to the band b/c I *lurve* them, but for respect for privacy, since he's not here to link himself.
They have chickens.
It was well documented that if you stood still at any given point in Chapel Hill/Carrboro, Darth would walk past. *sniff* I miss my random Darth encounters. We used to ride the same bus.
Hmm, maybe I'll email him.