Married Darth, preggo CV - this is TOTALLY turning into the Buffista High reunion thread.
I. Love. It.
Married Darth, preggo CV - this is TOTALLY turning into the Buffista High reunion thread.
I. Love. It.
recently married to a v. nice boy
A very nice, very talented *musician* boy. I would link to the band b/c I *lurve* them, but for respect for privacy, since he's not here to link himself.
They have chickens.
It was well documented that if you stood still at any given point in Chapel Hill/Carrboro, Darth would walk past. *sniff* I miss my random Darth encounters. We used to ride the same bus.
Hmm, maybe I'll email him.
Dude, yes! With the awesomeness of the band you're not linking!
So cool to see long time Buffistae coming home to the fold! I don't think I was around when Holli and CV were most active, but I've definitely been around long enough to have heard all the lies legends. Welcome home!
OMG, Holli! CV! Darth! (kinda).
Awww, this is lovely! Yay CV! Congratulations you, with the baby and the long-distance Belgian fella! Yay Holli! When you were all tiny and wee, and now you're all grownup! Awww! I love this thread! And Darth's married? Awwww!
wishes Betsy would pop her head in. Misses Betsy.
It was well documented that if you stood still at any given point in Chapel Hill/Carrboro
Yes! That happened no less than four times whenever I visited!
Darth's musician fella is amazing. My jaw kind of dropped when I heard that news; it was like two amazing things coming together!
...and by coming together, she means porn.
What? What? Stop looking at me like that! You were all thinking it!
Hey, guys. BeVERly suggested I check in.
I've was around since the Table Talk days, roughly the beginning of Season 4. I used to be a regular in the show threads, Bitches, and Natter; a few years back I drifted away for no particular reason. (You can find me at Livejournal, if you're curious; j o n q u i l.)
I'm 50 now, living in the Bay Area and ecstatically happy to be so. My daughter, for whom the Buffista Early Warning System was started (what *was* its official name?) is in her second year of college; she and my son finally watched "Hush" some time in high school.
Now for the bad news. My chronic migraines, like ita's, have grown much worse. I'm still managing to hold down a job, but I have migraines 20-25 days a month. My son, now 16, has inherited them, and has been out of school for two years with one continuous migraine. It's been rough. My husband has also had some bad health problems. We're all clinging together and soldiering forward; it's what you do.
I wish you all well.
Oh, Betsy! Bless your heart! I enjoy (well, often in a "back the fuck off and leave her alone, universe! Enough already!" kind of way) reading you on LJ, but I do miss your pixels here. So sorry that your health problems have been getting so much shittier - and I didn't realise that your son was in the same boat. Good lord.
Much -ma to you and yours, love.
considers wishing that Johnny Depp would delurk and declare his undying love, just on the offchance that she has hitherto unsuspected magical powers