Welcome (back) Holli and CV! And wow, that's a lot of news, CV! Congratulations!
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Hi Holli and CV!
I won't smish you because I'm not quite sure how to go about it. But it is great to see you.
Okay, Urban Dictionary has some very interesting definitions for smish...
Smish, to me, is smooch and squish mushed together. I'm afraid to look at Urban Dictionary.
Holli! The Eskimo!
You don't even need to leave the room anymore when we get racy!
Holli! The Eskimo!
Wasn't she also Danish?
Holli! We need an update on the life of all grown up Holli. Adding a smish.
It's like Old Home Week!
Eh, I'm not that grown-up; I've got a good case of the early-20s malaise. I'm working as an aide for a special-needs student at the private school where I've been an after-school counselor for a few years. I also have a cat, and more roomates than actually fit in my apartment. On the bright side, said roomates have Doctor Who marathons with me.