Sigh. Our OHAIMAITWIN powers stop here. Say no to the gauchos! Say yes to the Fernet!
I shall drink Fernet while wearing gauchos
Fred ,'Just Rewards (2)'
Sigh. Our OHAIMAITWIN powers stop here. Say no to the gauchos! Say yes to the Fernet!
I shall drink Fernet while wearing gauchos
Congratulations, Callaluna! It would be lovely to see your font here more often.
Hi, guys.
I'm Holli. I arrived with the very first Buffy thead back at TT-- ye gods, ten years ago. I still keep my hand in at LJ, but I've mostly been lurking here. I pop in to Literary from time to time, though the sheer amount of catching up I'd have to do in any other thread intimidates me. This may be changing in the future.
t tacklehugs
Hi Holli!
heh. Hi. I was just looking over my tag archive, and going, yep, that's a bunch of song lyrics that spoke to me in my soul when I was about 17.
You don't need to catch up! Just drop by!
Hi Holli!
Oh hey, Holli! Glad you could make it!
CV! Good to see your little round pixels, sweetie!
And for those wondering, a smish is a mighty hug, sort of like Vortex's squishies. It's a mashup of squish and smush.
Quick! Somebody go round up BHP! and Parker! And, and, and...!