Don't be sorry! It's a lovely piece, and should go down in the History, along with the piece JZ wrote and MM added to about the Wandering Gypsy Buffistas--which I believe was on WX while we were building? discussing building? this board. I'm not sure it was ever posted here, and it was a lovely piece, as well, and yours is similar in stirring inspirational vein. Wish I could find it. I'd tack them both up on the bulletin board by the main entrance.
Delurking 1: Because we don't always check our e-mail.
Fay, that was fabulous, and I am honored to be mentioned in it.
Hi, Helena! Hi, Sophie Max!
And what Jilli said - hi to all the recently de-lurked whom I haven't greeted directly. Love seeing your stories... and stances on cilantro, etc.
ETA: And P-C beat me to COMM, but that is fabulous, Fay!
Hello Helena and Sophie Max! I am so pleased there are more lurkers introducing themselves.
And Fay that was brilliant! If I hadn't already put in an appearance I would have done so after that just to acknowledge the wonder that it is!
Fay, I knew you'd come through, but geez, that was impressive.
Wow, Fay! I'm boggled! (and I really needed the pick-me-up after grading these exams. Can I just fail 90% of my students now and save everyone the trouble of the rest of the term?)
Hi fellow lurkers!
Gauchos make the baby Jesus cry.
Gauchos make the baby Jesus cry.
Shhhh! The Empress will smite you.
But I totally agree.
Smite and a pox upon those who dare besmirch the gauchos!
Which is Spanish for "fabulous pants".
Whoops, didn't realize that can of worms was unopened.
I am pro worm, btw.
We few, we happy few, we band of buggers
For he to-day that shares his name with me
Shall be a bugger;
oh my word that is so brilliant.
What delights and terrifies me, though, is that I cannot for the life of me recall what the original was for "buggers", and I'll never remember it right again. Which is, you know, fine, since the occasion doesn't arise very often to quote it. But I'm pretty sure if the occasion does arise...this is how I'll quote it.
off to google
ETA: brothers, for crying out loud. I knew that.
slinking away embarassed-like.