Maybe. I don't know. I haven't organized anything. I was thinking of going to Clifton's Cafeteria because nothing says you are 37 more than eating food cafeteria style off a tray in a super kitschy place.
Clifton's is great! It's where we end the Tom Waits tour. Fascinating history, funky Redwood forest decor and the food is actually pretty good.
Happy birthday!
unless you want to see what thrift stores/re-sale shops/craigslist have to offer - that will probably close to the cheapest you could find. There might be cheaper online, but then you have shipping.
I've been looking for several years-- no one in Rochester seems to get rid off bookcases!
The thing with the sofa is that the people nearby are either too tall or too weak- My friend M. hurt her shoulder, so I she can't do it and her husband is 6'5" and every time I try to move a sofa with a tall man it ends up in some sort of disastrous situation with me being run over by a sofa while someone is pushing me down the stairs with it.
If I want to wait, I can have M's brother move it, but he is a very helpful person who will do things when he gets around to it, so it might be a awhile before he has time.
Happy birthday, Kat! Happy anniversary, Barb!
This is sadly emblematic of my life right now:
Where down the shore, Trudy?
Asbury Park during the day, Seaside Heights at night. The friends I go to shows with all the time in AP actually want to go IN the ocean for once.
If the weather clears, we may try to do the Ren Faire this weekend. Other than that it's laundry, eating the ridiculous amounts of fruit we suddenly have around, and maybe the pool in Oswego (again, depending on the weather).
Up in Tuxedo? How long are you here?
Oh, I forgot Happy Birthday to Kat and Anniversary to Barb and her husband! Have great weekends!
The Ren Faire in Tuxedo doesn't start until August.
Kitty: adopted by a loving person 2 days ago, so while I don't get adorable Persephone, she won't be killed by someone's LAZINESS.
Weekend: Lughnasadh tomorrow with my favorite local gay couple (who are weird, but my kind of weird), then bachelor party for a college friend at Ipanema (warning: much meaty goodness there)
Sunday is our Dark Heresy tabletop game
In between I may go out dancing, or find that 23-year-old gymnast who hit me up last weekend and ask for a "rematch" har har har.
And that's the end of my relaxing weekends; the next 2 weeks are Atlanta, then overtime until Christmas (I predict 60-70 hour weeks, 6 days on Sundays off, until about the 22nd of December)
Not to speak for Amy, but she probably means the one in Sterling-- which is quite nice, although I don't really like things like that because not everyone is dressed up! I want to be able to pretend I'm in another time!
No, this is the Ren Faire just a few miles from us, way up here near Oswego. It's good, though! That's the one, Sophia. It's the right size for us, and the performers are always great.
Happy birthday, Kat! I'll eat cake in your honor!
Happy anniversary, Barb!
What are people doing this weekend?
Most likely getting drafted to wrangle a baby and help with home remodeling, probably while my aunt tells me and my sister all about the diet she was on that helped her lose so much weight.