Vendor FAIL for not contact anyone sooner. They were sending invoices to an employee that was fired in October, never noticed the emailed were getting bounced.
Once a month, my coworker gets a call from some medical supply company looking for payment from the hospital. Every time, my coworker tells them they have the wrong number, but they still call her back the next month.
If you just completely do not want to deal with it, you can call a junkyard and they will take it for free but not pay you anything. I called, for my dead 98 neon, just eft the key in it and it was gone by the time I got home from work.
Thanks. He's only 48 and works out religiously, so this is a huge shock. But, he has had a cholesterol problem for years that he's gotten only recently gotten partially under control (under 210).
He was down in Florida for a long weekend with the woman he started seeing last month. Mom just got back from telling the kids who were at home. Dad wants to fly down, but as Mom said, it'd be better if he came out to NJ to take the oldest kid back to college in Chicago next week (obviously, Kip won't be able to even if he's out of the hospital by then). It looks like Mom's going to fly down there to bring him back when he's released. I don't know how long the new girlfriend will be able to stay there (she's got kids of her own).
Once a month, my coworker gets a call from some medical supply company looking for payment from the hospital. Every time, my coworker tells them they have the wrong number, but they still call her back the next month.
Years ago I used to get the occasional call from people wanting to make an appointment for me to do their hair.
I was so tempted to just make appointments for them instead of telling them they had the wrong number.
How does one dispose of a car that CAN be fixed, but is too EXPENSIVE to fix?
Can you Cash For Clunker it?
Oh Kathy, much healthma your brother's way.
You know, I think it will still start and run with a bad alternator; it will just run the battery down, so it will eventually stop running. But it would run long enough for...
a demolition derby!!
Can you Cash For Clunker it?
Wouldn't qualify, too much mpg.
Vendor FAIL for not contact anyone sooner. They were sending invoices to an employee that was fired in October, never noticed the emailed were getting bounced.
At my uni, we kept recieving an invoice from a company we never dealt with, with no phone number or contact name. They were not in the phone book. The only number we could find for the address was the rental agency and they could not/would not tell us who was there.
It turned out that they had changed their name and didn't tell anyone and we did owe them, but it was still stupid. And for some reason, my university has a policy that we do not pay late fees. Ever. Even if we are, in fact, late.
Thanks, gang.
I'll see what I can do. I just want rid of it; I don't care about making money off it at this point (which would be nice, but I have no idea how much it's worth, it has several problems I just cope with but will seriously reduce it's value to someone who wants a nice pristine GTI, and I can't afford to fix THOSE problems, either.)
Ah, the joy of pending bankruptcy.