Did anyone else have a day full of clusterfucks
I was just beating up some bananas for banana bread and realized there was an earwig in it that had apparently burrowed into the banana. Then I found a half an earwig. Then I could not convince myself that other brown specks were banana and not earwig, so I threw it out.
Now I have the other ingredients out and a preheated oven. Yes, we have no more bananas.
Also, the dog will not stop barking at the invisible alien in the back yard.
God, NO. I'm far too spoiled, having owned houses in Florida and Ohio. The idea of being on top of neighbors like that is unnerving, at the very least. Plus, three big dogs.
The main part is that I don't trust the construction on the majority of zero lot line townhomes. Hell, frankly, I don't trust a lot of new construction around here, where new = built after 1990. If you're going to go outside the city limits, north is generally better than south. There are exceptions, near the water. I'm not a huge fan of the Eastside, though it has pockets that I wouldn't mind, if I HAD to live on the Eastside.
Avoid Renton and Kent. Oh, and Tukwila. The South End is where we keep the Hellmouth.
Burien is also generally to be avoided, with the exception of parts of Seahurst, Shorewood, and Three Tree Point.
What does zero lot line mean? No yard at all?
What does zero lot line mean? No yard at all?
It can or can mean really tiny front or back yard (but not both).
Zero lot line: [link]
In practice, it gives you crappily slapped-together townhomes.
Headache or infection?
I'm starting to suspect infection. Or TMJ issues. I've never had migraines before, but everything I've read says they shouldn't las---
GAH! Big fucking cricket just jumped on shoulder
twitch twit h gahQ
he asked "for real?" and I said "no, but eat your food anyway." and he did, the end.
See? Voodoo. Glad he ate.
Of course I believe I'm special and that being hungry or having low blood sugar doesn't affect
mood, but I live alone and avoid people, so it's not like it's anyone's problem. In theory.
I've never had migraines before, but everything I've read says they shouldn't las---
Forget everything you've read. Don't diagnose on the web. Seriously. See a professional.
My walls are my neighbors' walls. It's a rowhouse (eta: 1931). My cats can walk over the railing of my deck to Anna's. I know when Ben's got his toddler over and when Tommy comes home. The new guy across the alley waves from his deck, but the one immediately across from me, we ignore the fact I look directly into his kitchen. We observe a polite privacy of just ignoring all of that. At the same time, I can see one coming home and invite up for a glass of wine.
I kinda love it.
Also, in looking at the records? My block is apparently FULL of singles. Mostly 40s and up, by appearance (but I am a bad judge of that. Mistook early 50s for 40s.) It's kinda funny. There are a few long term retired folk, and a couple of families, but yeah, mostly solo-ers.
--shouldn't last longer than 72 hours, and I'm pretty sure this is going well into week two. Nonstop. No good days, no moments of relief that aren't drug induced.
Did anyone else have a day full of clusterfucks, or was my Friday just special?
Sorry -- I had that yesterday. Today half the org was on furlough, so I just had the one ongoing clusterfuck to deal with.