My walls are my neighbors' walls. It's a rowhouse (eta: 1931). My cats can walk over the railing of my deck to Anna's. I know when Ben's got his toddler over and when Tommy comes home. The new guy across the alley waves from his deck, but the one immediately across from me, we ignore the fact I look directly into his kitchen. We observe a polite privacy of just ignoring all of that. At the same time, I can see one coming home and invite up for a glass of wine.
I kinda love it.
Also, in looking at the records? My block is apparently FULL of singles. Mostly 40s and up, by appearance (but I am a bad judge of that. Mistook early 50s for 40s.) It's kinda funny. There are a few long term retired folk, and a couple of families, but yeah, mostly solo-ers.
--shouldn't last longer than 72 hours, and I'm pretty sure this is going well into week two. Nonstop. No good days, no moments of relief that aren't drug induced.
Did anyone else have a day full of clusterfucks, or was my Friday just special?
Sorry -- I had that yesterday. Today half the org was on furlough, so I just had the one ongoing clusterfuck to deal with.
shouldn't last longer than 72 hours
Julie, I can tell you that migraines can easily last longer than 72 hours. But don't take mine or the web's word for it. Find your doc.
This afternoon's clusterfuck is an ongoing one too. They are extra special.
To me, row houses make more sense than the developments where there are large houses that are about eight feet apart.
An extrovert has been coming out. It started on the trip (folk from there didn't know I was an introvert. Standing offer to take her out and drown her in the nearest ocean should she surface exists) and is just getting bolder.
It's freaky. Still want my time and space, but find myself seeking out the peoples. A LOT of my friends and coworkers have noticed. Getting a lot of attention and liking it. I'm torn between crawling back under my rock and reveling in it.
I'll always still be the quiet sort, but this is... different. I'm more confident and carry self as such. I wonder if it'll last?
Avoid Renton and Kent. Oh, and Tukwila. The South End is where we keep the Hellmouth.
Burien is also generally to be avoided, with the exception of parts of Seahurst, Shorewood, and Three Tree Point.
::SNORT:: You know I'm going to be quizzing you on this.
Hellmouth. Heh. SH did say something upthread about the south being more blue collar/conservative. Funny how so many cities are like that. In Cleveland, the East Side was the artsy, liberal, intellectual side, across the Cuyahoga, it got very blue collar, families who'd come over on the boat a hundred years before.
In Jacksonville, well... all of it's sort of conservative, but the north side and the west side are definitely of the more blue collar variety. East and south are all the beach and golf communities.
My next door neighbor is going to run for mayor. He has a good chance of winning, too, I think. He very nicely hits the sweet spot (for this town) of being both a lefty and a good ol' boy. I also think he'd do a pretty good job.
Boy small cities are weird.
The South End is where we keep the Hellmouth.
Plei is not wrong about this.
If you end up wanting info on Shoreline, let me know. I grew up there (when it was still just North Seattle), and the Parents O' Reason still live there.