This is where you email us in Seattle for the actual skinny!
Heh. Trust me, I will. If it comes to pass. As it is, I feel like I'm tempting Karma to kick my ass. Last thing I want to do is pester my friends.
you NEVER EVER EVER want a zero lot line place. EVER.
God, NO. I'm far too spoiled, having owned houses in Florida and Ohio. The idea of being on top of neighbors like that is unnerving, at the very least. Plus, three big dogs.
But I will cop to being amused when I came across my first house where the total square footage was larger than the property square footage. Weirdness.
My on-line bank charts the market value of my home and it's dropped by about $200,000 in the last year. It charts drops by month: it dropped $25,000 in value last month. All I have to say is, thank god I threw out all those come-ons you sent me to write checks on credit. Also, it's the same house, and I'm not going anywhere, so it's kind of fun to watch it go up and down.
Did anyone else have a day full of clusterfucks, or was my Friday just special?
S, you NEVER EVER EVER want a zero lot line place. EVER.
So if gardening and lawn mowing is not for you get a condo? Rent?
Did anyone else have a day full of clusterfucks, or was my Friday just special?
Network access was frelled, came home to work from home, and fell asleep. Woke up with a horrid headache and tummy ache. Not right. Just not right at all.
Besides the kitty stuff mentioned above, I spent 2.5 hours just to go to the drug store to get some Claritin, due to epically frelled buses. And I put together a bookcase with a totally stripped allen wrench. And the boxes I thought contained only books actually have other stuff packed in them, so I have to find a place for that too!
Yesterday I was somewhat relieved because the fact that I am going on vacation soon meant that I didn't have to take on the huge project that is due on Monday.
Yeah, not so much.
Did anyone else have a day full of clusterfucks
I was just beating up some bananas for banana bread and realized there was an earwig in it that had apparently burrowed into the banana. Then I found a half an earwig. Then I could not convince myself that other brown specks were banana and not earwig, so I threw it out.
Now I have the other ingredients out and a preheated oven. Yes, we have no more bananas.
Also, the dog will not stop barking at the invisible alien in the back yard.
God, NO. I'm far too spoiled, having owned houses in Florida and Ohio. The idea of being on top of neighbors like that is unnerving, at the very least. Plus, three big dogs.
The main part is that I don't trust the construction on the majority of zero lot line townhomes. Hell, frankly, I don't trust a lot of new construction around here, where new = built after 1990. If you're going to go outside the city limits, north is generally better than south. There are exceptions, near the water. I'm not a huge fan of the Eastside, though it has pockets that I wouldn't mind, if I HAD to live on the Eastside.
Avoid Renton and Kent. Oh, and Tukwila. The South End is where we keep the Hellmouth.
Burien is also generally to be avoided, with the exception of parts of Seahurst, Shorewood, and Three Tree Point.