night passed without incident.
heat treatment takes a few hours and wow does the room get warm, but I wore treated shoes to work today, ah peace of mind.
I want to do a ton of stuff in the house this weekend: treat in all places Pest Control did not, move some things to storage room, treat and bag 2-3 dry clean outfits, treat and bag 4-5 pairs of shoes, treat and bag all mac's back-to-school things.
I think the heat treatment of things might be doable and I can definately move shoe things to storage, but I still need a respirator to do dust treatment and I don't think I can swing getting one...unless I go at lunch today - that might just work.
HEC!! I forgot to tell you!! I am the new Director of T-Ball Division for our little league!!
t preens just abit cause I'm sooper geeked!
Weekend: gaming, gaming, and more gaming. And dancing.
For five more minutes.
But then you get Saturday!
Oh, I'm all asplutter.
Bryan Singer directing? Glen A. Larson producing? UTTERLY UNRELATED to the SyFy series?
(headdesk ad infinitum)
...Bryan Singer, director of Valkyrie, will take on directing and producing duties for a BSG movie.
Let's see - should Tom Cruise play Starbuck?
Yep, the BSG movie's been in development for ages. I'm actually pretty happy with Singer being attached - for a while it was just Larson and had a real risk of being Galactica 1980: The Movie.
(But still, oy - three canons for this universe now? Dune and Stargate feel your pain, BSG.)
And for Adama: Ian MacKellan or Patrick Stewart?