Hall, Lennon
F - Patrick, C - Brendon, M - Gerard
F - Saporta, C - Wentz, M - Mikeyway
Not that I think that either of the Way brothers are shining icons of sanity and perfect relationship material, but I wouldn't try and smother either of them in their sleep, unlike, say, Wentz or Saporta.
Pete Wentz doesn't sleep, he just lurks.
Pete Wentz doesn't sleep, he just lurks.
There are times I fear that the inside of my head matches too closely to the inside of Wentz's. I would kill him.
Even in a game of FCM, I am glad that Jilli stays away from the Wentz. It's dividing by zero and what if the board goes down???
thanks, but not quite what is required.
Non Moustache guy from Hall and Oates
M Patrick Stump
F Gerard Way
C Brendon Urie
M Mikey Way
C Gabe Saporta
F Pete Wentz
These are impossible. I love Brendon, but I have heard some disparaging things about his sexual prowess, and I feel like Patrick would be better in bed than Gerard, and also less smelly, but I love him so much how can I not marry him
Gabe is scary, Mikey is adorable but crazy and Pete is obnoxious, crazy yet endearing and I feel he would probably irritate me to death if I actually knew him.
well, of course. I should have known.
I have invoice questions (who processes a particular set of invoices, to be precise) and I have pest control questions (did the guy do a thorough enough treatment?). My email inquiries and my post asking for input just sit there, ignored.