Non Moustache guy from Hall and Oates
M Patrick Stump
F Gerard Way
C Brendon Urie
M Mikey Way
C Gabe Saporta
F Pete Wentz
These are impossible. I love Brendon, but I have heard some disparaging things about his sexual prowess, and I feel like Patrick would be better in bed than Gerard, and also less smelly, but I love him so much how can I not marry him
Gabe is scary, Mikey is adorable but crazy and Pete is obnoxious, crazy yet endearing and I feel he would probably irritate me to death if I actually knew him.
well, of course. I should have known.
I have invoice questions (who processes a particular set of invoices, to be precise) and I have pest control questions (did the guy do a thorough enough treatment?). My email inquiries and my post asking for input just sit there, ignored.
I know nothing about any of those FCMs except to recognize their names as those young band guys.
Here's one we all just punked out on in the Reality thread:
Eric Ripert
Rick Bayless
Hubert Keller
F Ripert, M Bayless, C Keller. (Sorry Hubert!)
Does that band guy have a Cuban spitfire too? If that rumor came from Page Six, in other words, he's probably shaggable enough.(They spread stuff about Murdoch non-favorites)
There was a Cuban chick doing that about KO for the longest time...the only reason I mention her race is because page Six called her "feisty" and the "Cuban Spitfire" and just about everything but the Frito fuckin' bandido...I hated to have any sympathy for her, but on that count, I did.
Is this as cool as adopting a goat?
Adopt a Star, Help Fund Science
Though it's impossible to own a star, now you can adopt one.
A new program offers people a chance to "adopt" one of the stars in a catalogue of targets where scientists hope to find Earth-like extrasolar planets.
For $10, members of the public can select a star to adopt from the catalogue, and receive an e-mail certificate and updates if any planets are discovered around their star. All the money raised goes toward funding scientific research on the stars.
The stars up for adoption are targets for NASA's Kepler spacecraft, which launched in March on a quest to search for small terrestrial planets in roughly one-year orbits around other stars. These kinds of planets may be our best chance at finding habitable worlds beyond the solar system.
The adopt-a-star program, called the Pale Blue Dot project, is run by a non-profit organization that is not affiliated with or endorsed by NASA. So far, Pale Blue Dot has raised about $10,000 to fund the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium, a project to measure the absolute sizes of the stars on Kepler's target list. This endeavor is separate from Kepler's main mission to hunt for planets, and is not covered by the mission's $600 million NASA budget.
F Rick Bayless
C Eric Ripert
M Hubert Keller
Eric Ripert - Rick Bayless - Hubert Keller
I have no idea who these people are.
I feel so pop-culturally irrelevant.