I'm still trying to figure out how she gets from "gay men from Obama's church wind up dead" to "the dead men were Obama's boyfriends" to "he had the dead men killed."
Don't. You'll just give yourself a brain cramp. Captain logic is not driving her tug boat.
Also, who the hell is she and why is anyone listening to her? Is it just the whole birther thing, or did she have some kind of wing-nut prominence prior to this?
She first showed up as the lawyer of the National Guardsman who tried to get out of going back to Iraq by filing suit that, since Obama isn't the legitimate president, he doesn't have to follow anything the commander in chief says.
I was warned by my boss not to become too enraged about this, "or you'll be dead by 40". I pointed out I'm 41.
"See? I was right."
OMG, she's just like the crazy parent we dealt with this summer. Seriously. The approach and the logic (such as it is) and the refusal to hear anything she doesn't agree with is exactly the same. I wonder if there's a club.
I wonder if there's a club.
Ugh msbelle, I so know what you mean. I find liberal application of coffee and/or chocolate does wonders for my mood when I'm sleep deprived.
I find the birther mentality fascinating. It's as if all the fantasy mechanisms needed to convince themselves that the 8 years of Bush's presidency were a great improvement over the 8 years of Clinton's have broken free from all but the most tangential connection to reality so that any random factoid can be inserted into it and out comes a new conspiracy theory. Either that or they are lying through their teeth for perceived political gain.
I'm about to get on a plane! I'm going to Vividcon!
What dress did you end up taking?