Ugh. This is the truth of urgent care too. I often go in at 2 or 3 when I feel like I have to go and the doctor always asks me, "What made you come in at this hour?"
I had to take a friend to urgent care yesterday. We drove out to the 'burbs, which was a better idea than the ER a few minutes away because we were out of there in the time it took me to read a magazine. And she took me to Outback as a thank you! (I LOVE their cheese fries, and they come in small now, so I don't feel quite so bad eating them. Okay, I never felt bad, but now I can feel virtuous for choosing the small) Aaaaanyway, it was practically deserted at 6:30, maybe 4 patients.
Ooh, now I want to go to Outback. Maybe this weekend....
Dad's going to Stellophane this weekend, and lil bro just had his 26th birthday, and mum is usually in bed by nine. I don't know if he's actually planning anything, but I hate to take that personal space away from him.
But I'd hate to be a poorly host. On the other hand, Mum will be here making me soup. On the other hand, I have to clean.
I forgot to put on make-up this morning. ugh.
Problem solved. Mum called, dog is having health problems. She can't leave her alone, and lil' bro is crazy busy.
Tom Scola has ruined my morning! A world in which writing as horrible as that (sadly, I can see her typing out "diminutive and deferential, with a forehead of life-long suffering," reading it back aloud, and then patting herself on the back;
Ohhhh, but I'm GOOD!)
gets not only published but optioned is not a world in which I wish to live.
On the other hand, maybe crap like that will finally get me motivated to finish my own damn stuff. God knows I couldn't possibly write any worse than that, even if I tried.
Amy Sohn's Prospect Park West, got optioned by Sarah Jessica Parker's production company.
Of course it did. Bah. Fucking bah.
Salon has an interview with Orly Taitz, the lawyer/dentist/Head Birther which is really fascinating. The first paragraph:
I'm on Skype with Orly Taitz, and from Israel the queen bee of the Birthers is telling me that Barack Obama had all his gay lovers rubbed out, Chicago-style. Well, that's not fair. Taitz isn't explicitly accusing Obama of clipping his boyfriends to shut them up. She just wants to make sure I know that a few homosexuals from Obama's church, oddly, mysteriously, ominously, wound up dead. "Now, I don't want to say that Obama did it," explains Orly, in her dense Moldovan accent. "I don't want to say that people close to Obama did it. But those are the facts."
a few homosexuals from Obama's church, oddly, mysteriously, ominously, wound up dead.
As an odd, mysterious, odd homosexual, I can say that this ISN'T RARE FOR FAGS IN CHICAGO.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say there were also straight people from Obama's church who ended up dead.
I mean, it's not like the straights don't die.