I've been to the ER many times - obviously.
My favorite (and this IS a funny story) was after I wrecked my car in 1989 and head-butted the steering column; I broke my nose, and looked like WC Fields.
Mom drove me to the ER. It was about 10pm when we got there, the place was deserted. TOTALLY. No other patients...and no staff.
We waited until about 1:30 until I was admitted. Yes - 3.5 hours. Slowly dripping blood, quite irked, a little sore (shock still had me "mostly numb") and sleepy (that was the scary part for nurse-Mom: did I have a concussion?)
(the answer, I discovered LAST YEAR (!!!) was that I did have a concussion - minor)
Eventually, a doctor shows up, I get whisked away, checked over, X-rayed, and told "Not much we can do here. Your nose will heal just fine - it's not misaligned". (My mom, to this day, disagrees. Moms.)
I asked, "Can you make it stop bleeding?"
He looked at me. "Well, you can lie here on this table, and we can put your head above your heart, and you can tilt your head back. It'll stop. OR, I can apply direct pressure."
I rapidly and loudly chose the first option, to his very obvious amusement.
Hrmph. Moms and doctors.
wow - the last minute prep for the Pest people just exposed how much I had not done. and damn but I have a lot of stuff. I need to do a full on clean house tough love clean out once I get the all clear on the bugs. Seriously y'all. mac's room is 10X better than mine, I have done fairly well on culling things from there on a regular basis.
Finally got through to the doctors office. Man, they open late. Appointment for Monday. My head feels like a balloon. Oh, and Mum's visiting. Which would be "yay!" except I want to tell her to pick another weekend, but she's already promised an empty house for my brother to party in.
but she's already promised an empty house for my brother to party in.
Wow, quite an accommodating mom!
Despite a good night's sleep, I am completely falling asleep at my desk. Two cups of heavy caffiene tea have already been consumed, but i'm still struggling to not nap. Grrrrrrr.
Ugh. This is the truth of urgent care too. I often go in at 2 or 3 when I feel like I have to go and the doctor always asks me, "What made you come in at this hour?"
I had to take a friend to urgent care yesterday. We drove out to the 'burbs, which was a better idea than the ER a few minutes away because we were out of there in the time it took me to read a magazine. And she took me to Outback as a thank you! (I LOVE their cheese fries, and they come in small now, so I don't feel quite so bad eating them. Okay, I never felt bad, but now I can feel virtuous for choosing the small) Aaaaanyway, it was practically deserted at 6:30, maybe 4 patients.
Ooh, now I want to go to Outback. Maybe this weekend....
Dad's going to Stellophane this weekend, and lil bro just had his 26th birthday, and mum is usually in bed by nine. I don't know if he's actually planning anything, but I hate to take that personal space away from him.
But I'd hate to be a poorly host. On the other hand, Mum will be here making me soup. On the other hand, I have to clean.
I forgot to put on make-up this morning. ugh.
Problem solved. Mum called, dog is having health problems. She can't leave her alone, and lil' bro is crazy busy.