I don't know jack about comics, but this is pretty much my thinking:
Never M Wolverine. That way lies surefire death. On the other hand, F Wolverine. C Superman, although I think more kindly of him than I used to. I marry Bats because that way I get to F him and I suppose I'll live a little longer than if I wed Logan. But marrying Superman is the only safe bet. I just don't always want safe.
Stephen Hawking defends NHS: [link]
Hawking has defended Britain's tax-funded National Health System after he was held up by a US financial newspaper as an example of why the NHS should not be used as a blueprint for the reforms. In a recent editorial, Investors Business Daily claimed: "People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the UK, where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."
The Cambridge professor, who is of course British despite speaking with an American-accented vocoder, told the Guardian: "I wouldn’t be here today if it were not for the NHS. I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived." Hawking was treated by an NHS hospital as recently as April, when he was admitted to Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge for chest infections. Investors Business Weekly has since amended its article, removing any mention of the scientist.
Superman would at least try to be a good husband.
He would. But if we didn't have interesting conversations I doubt I'd try to be a good wife.
I got blogged! Well, not about me, exactly: [link]
Hee: [link]
FCM: Batman, Superman, and Wolverine
F Wolverine (if we're talking Hugh Jackman Wolverine)
C Supes (boring)
M Batman (because, at heart, I *love* the fucked-uppery)
I got blogged! Well, not about me, exactly: [link]
Are you in the middle of one of those pictures, wearing brown, with a kitty on your shoulder?
t edit
And another one, closer up, with the same kitty on your shoulder?
Yes. That was Fred. The kits are named Fred, Percy, Ginny and George.
Dan Savage on the guy who shot up the aerobics class and etc.: [link]
The Cambridge professor, who is of course British despite speaking with an American-accented vocoder,
Oh, that's funny -- totally why I never think of him as British.
C Wolvie, F Batman, M Supes.
Supes isn't boring! He's awesome. He's funny, he likes chicks who speak their mind, he's a good friend, and he looks good in glasses!
tonight is killing me.
vacuumed both bedrooms, half of living room and the furniture. Then vacuumed with the crevice tool all baseboards and cracks in the floor along with edges of mac's bed and back into the couch. Also got the good quality encasement on the box spring (which the packaging says to "never do alone" - it involved lifting the box spring on a shoulder while keeping the mattress balanced up on the wall with an outstretched leg, prognosis for soreness tomorrow is good). I packed up loose papers and misc crap into two small plastic containers and still there is too much lying about.
now I am on break because it is bathtime. mac is procrastinating and attempting sullen face. NOT HAVING IT. I WILL FORCE FEED YOU SILLINESS! must get him to bed so I can finish this.
I still have to try to get the wood blinds down in the bedrooms. I think it will involve tools. I may need a drink.