waiting for most recent round of drugs to kick in. Papers are strewn about dining table, bed, and couch. Nunya kept lying on top of the last pile I was sorting through, doing grabby scratchy paws on the papers (she also tore into the new, pretty, and very expensive carpet. Water bottle is filled and ready to be squirted.)
One last place to look for the number for the doctor. Tried registering on the HorizonBlue website to look up a doctor on my plan, but as usual with any of my medical carriers, their websites fail, and fail hard. After I fill out the new registrant info, a pop-up for "acknowledge"/"don't acknowledge" that my information is true and legal and god-breathed, and it freezes, and I can't register.
F Wolverine, C Superman, M Batman
Wolverine and Superman were a toss up, but marrying Bruce Wayne sounds great. He's inclined to be reclusive, so I wouldn't have to deal with too much meet and greet, Alfred would handle the house stuff, and if Batman's off saving Gotham that'll give me plenty of time to catch up on my flist. Wayne's a well traveled polymath. As long as you don't try to make him talk about his night job or his feelings he'd be an interesting conversationalist. And if it's the C. Bale Batman getting him out of the batsuit would be well worth the bother.
Bats just has too many issues, I think. It might make me a little crazy, even if it meant living in Wayne Manor and having Alfred around.
Bats does have a ton of issues, but so does Wolverine. Superman has fewer issues but what he lacks in trauma he makes up in boring.
Never M Wolverine. That way lies surefire death. On the other hand, F Wolverine. C Superman, although I think more kindly of him than I used to. I marry Bats because that way I get to F him and I suppose I'll live a little longer than if I wed Logan. But marrying Superman is the only safe bet. I just don't always want safe.
Superman's not boring! It's just the movies that are...in the hands of a good comic book writer (or even the right animated series writer) he's cool. He's just no Wolvie or Bats.
Superman would at least try to be a good husband.
Wolverine would try too, but it wouldn't matter.
Respectfully, that's not a sound evolutionary argument. Human ancestors learned to use weapons to kill animals. That in turn gave us the protein and fat needed to gain bigger brains and continue to evolve. Without the protein, we'd not be sporting the big brains we have now. Although we'd probably have an easier time as bi-peds.
There's actually still a lot of debate and unanswered questions about what early humans and human ancestors ate, and in what quantities. I've seen different studies that approached the question from different perspectives and came to wildly different conclusions. The fossil evidence is pretty difficult to interpret, since meat meals tend to leave behind bones that can become fossils, while the remains of vegetable meals tended to biodegrade pretty quickly and not leave much that we could look at now.
(I am positive that billytea will come along soon and know way more about this than I do.)
I don't know jack about comics, but this is pretty much my thinking:
Never M Wolverine. That way lies surefire death. On the other hand, F Wolverine. C Superman, although I think more kindly of him than I used to. I marry Bats because that way I get to F him and I suppose I'll live a little longer than if I wed Logan. But marrying Superman is the only safe bet. I just don't always want safe.