I found the story of Leopold and Loeb fascinating--two teen geniuses who decided to commit the "perfect crime," done in when Leopold's glasses fall out of his coat at the place where they dumped Bobby Franks' body.
My theatre did a great play based on that story, called "Never the Sinner". Really fascinating stuff. After I saw the show, I went out and read up on the story. Also, Kathy, if you liked that, you should watch Hitchcock's "Rope". It's about two friends who kill another friend (well, the victim thought they were friends :) ), then put the body in a steamer trunk, and have a party and serve drinks on the trunk. I've always thought that Leopold and Loeb were the inspiration for the movie. It has Farley Granger and Jimmy Stewart as I recall.
She was a great dog, and though I'm sad, and my mom is sad, it's undoubtedly the right thing to do.
~ma to your Mom, SH. I know those decisions are tough, even when made for the best reasons.
We know that Cargo Tunnel will be good for online shopping, mail delivery, garbage pickup and recycling, but there will likely be a lot more things that people figure out to do with it.
I really hope they have separate tunnels for garbage vs. food deliveries.
I've always thought that Leopold and Loeb were the inspiration for the movie.
It was. Or, really, the inspiration for the play which turned into the movie.
There are certainly better reasons to have him all tied up.
Word. And even THEN I wouldn't start blabbing my evil plan. We'd have a tortured love where he'd know in his heart he should turn me in to Commisioner Gordon but I'd give him enough plausible denyability to delude himself that maybe I wasn't stealing diamonds and stuff.
Today's xkcd is fun: Haiku Proof
It was. Or, really, the inspiration for the play which turned into the movie.
oh, right, it was a play first, I think I knew that.
While it isn't Rope, Compulsion is an even more thinly veiled movie version of Leopold and Loeb. And I mean very thinly veiled. Orson Welles plays the Clarence Darrow role.
I wrote a paper on Leopold and Loeb for my 8th-grade history class, my first research paper complete with footnotes, etc. (My teacher marked me down for using the Joliet Herald News instead of the Chicago Tribune for my main source.)
One of the things that I find really creepy about that case was that Loeb (the more amoral of the two) was willing to consider using his own cousin as their victim before they decided on Bobby Franks.
There's a book about the case published earlier this year that is really comprehensive and well-written: For the Thrill of It.
So, yeah, everyone at work told me point blank that I looked like shit and harassed me until I finally went home two hours later. Going to eat food and crawl into bed and die. Then I'll tear through every last unopened box and track down mister doctor man's number.