Aww cutiepants hair ribbons!
Also, totally yay msbelle. Take 'em while you got 'em. I totally understand mac's feeling the pressure of good day streaks, though. I'm just glad you're getting some breaks.
Today I resolve to be crazy productive. My new printers are both bigger than my old printers and I had to do some massive reconfiguring of my office. Which is fine, because it was a total wreck after being the junk room for the summer while we were gone. So now I'm restoring it, slowly, to order. It's a big task and yesterday I got a little overwhelmed.
In fact, I got downright weepy, because I found some correspondence between us and our former landlord, who was all kinds of wonderful and is long since passed away. Which, yay for nice memories. But seriously, people, that was from our first house in Kansas. Like, a decade ago. I don't need that document in my filing cabinet.
Anyway, today will involve some going through the house files, so that should actually be fun, because house likes carrots!
If you burgle a house, do not unload the items in a yard sale on the same street.
Wow. Crime really does make you stupid.
Wow. Crime really does make you stupid.
My Uncle the police officer used to tell me that. And I would fantasize about being a SMART crimnal. I wouldn't use the drugs, I'd make sure I didn't hurt anyone, and I'd never get caught because the police would be too busy with the stupid ones.
But then I realized I'd have to turn myself in if they convicted one of the stupid ones for something I'd done. And the plan fell apart.
And I would fantasize about being a SMART crimnal. I wouldn't use the drugs, I'd make sure I didn't hurt anyone
Don't forget to avoid staying and gloating. That gets the smart ones all the time.
I found the story of Leopold and Loeb fascinating--two teen geniuses who decided to commit the "perfect crime," done in when Leopold's glasses fall out of his coat at the place where they dumped Bobby Franks' body.
Don't forget to avoid staying and gloating. That gets the smart ones all the time.
Oh yes. If for some reason I had to hang Batman upside down I certainly wouldn't stand there and tell him my whole plan before I split.
Ah, well - it was just a matter of time. My mother had to make a quality-of-life decision for her oldest dog (Lily), and had her put to sleep yesterday. 95% blind, 100% deaf, and had a stroke over the 4th of July that led to a progressive loss of both motor control and comprehension; she spent most of the last couple of days (apparently) uncertain where she was, or who anyone was, or where things were.
She was a great dog, and though I'm sad, and my mom is sad, it's undoubtedly the right thing to do.
As best that the vet could guess, she was at least 16 - maybe 18. When mom got her, she was a Katrina rescue - and grey-muzzled already.
If for some reason I had to hang Batman upside down I certainly wouldn't stand there and tell him my whole plan before I split.
There are certainly better reasons to have him all tied up.