My surgery was when I was on COBRA. Actually, I hadn't yet decided to continue my insurance when I first ended up in the emergency room, but because NYU's bureaucracy had taken so long to inform me about the COBRA decision I essentially got retroactive coverage.
ETA: For me, COBRA was about $550/month, but still far cheaper than my surgery probably was.
I believe you always have 90 days to elect COBRA, and it goes retroactively (if you pay the 3 months of premiums).
90 days from the date you're notified, and your employer has 60 days to notify you. If they wait the sixty days, and you elect 90 days after that, you get coverage retro to when you lost your coverage, as long as you pay those five months of premiums. If you're on good terms with your ex-employer, it's a good way to hedge your bets for five months. (I used to administer paperwork for COBRA coverage.)
I got stuck on the UES after therapy. The entire subway station at 86th St was closed off by the police, due to a "suspicious package".
Is that one of the things mandated by California?
Meara, no. My IVF wasn't paid for. But my coworkers IVF after a year of failed attempts with her husband was.
ETA: For me, COBRA was about $550/month, but still far cheaper than my surgery probably was.
How long ago was this, megan?
I can't even begin to tell you how baffling I find this whole debate. I am so far to one side of this debate that I can only sit in the corner muttering, clutching my single payer health care close, and not even thinking about medical expenses.
Yeah, I saw at a sign at a single payer rally: "I want Dudley Do-Right's Health Plan." (Dudley Do-Right was a cartoon Mountie.)
Not to stoke anyone's rage or anything, but I was just listening to a discussion of the House health care bill on NPR and they were saying something about the public option being paid for by premiums, not direct taxation, and yet not covering abortions for those who would need governmental subsidies to help defray the cost of their premiums. Because THAT is sound medical ethics?!?!
Dear God, why has Thou forsaken my country and left it in the hands of the freakin' nutjobs?
Burrell, this has info about it: [link] I think. (Wanna get together end of next week? We're out of town end of this week and next but would love to see you.)
I sent an email tonight saying "you know many of my countrymen are insane, right?"
ION, somehow, my boss has me organizing social shit. Me. Huh. Kinda freaks me out whenever he leaves me in charge.