Not to stoke anyone's rage or anything, but I was just listening to a discussion of the House health care bill on NPR and they were saying something about the public option being paid for by premiums, not direct taxation, and yet not covering abortions for those who would need governmental subsidies to help defray the cost of their premiums. Because THAT is sound medical ethics?!?!
Dear God, why has Thou forsaken my country and left it in the hands of the freakin' nutjobs?
Burrell, this has info about it: [link] I think. (Wanna get together end of next week? We're out of town end of this week and next but would love to see you.)
I sent an email tonight saying "you know many of my countrymen are insane, right?"
ION, somehow, my boss has me organizing social shit. Me. Huh. Kinda freaks me out whenever he leaves me in charge.
Also, depending on her status with the college, she should look into disability leave, which should allow her to keep her insurance.
My family has both really generous employee provided healthcare and also state medi-Cal, in part because subacute nursing care in a facility is restricted to 100 days of coverage by an insurance company.
I am blessed with excellent insurance because Noah and Grace have cost literally millions of dollars. Undoubtedly, they are considered catastrophic levels of coverage. And yet, if it were only state insurance or private, I would not have been able to afford what I have needed to care for my children, especially Grace.
In other news, so the funny thing about two-years-old: when you tell a two-year-old not to eat the sand, what's the first thing they are apt to do? Yep.
Apparently, I am ruled by my two year old self, within limits.
Also, depending on her status with the college, she should look into disability leave, which should allow her to keep her insurance.
I'll mention that, thanks.
But he didn't enjoy the sand and yet he kept trying to eat it. This is not from today, but in July. But still. WTF?
I hope he enjoyed it!
I used to eat rocks...and paper.
Hah! x-post
Gracie's looking great. Love seeing her on her feet.