The healthcare stuff is making me angry, with people hijacking town meetings and spreading such rampant disinformation.
Oh, yeah, I had to turn off the radio this morning. It makes me completely ragey.
Not making me ragey is working from home today. Our internet connection at work has been up and down like crazy this week and is no better today evidently. Plus I had to bring my car in for a blown radiator hose yesterday and it's going to be way more money than I thought. If one week could go by with no unexpected car or pet expenses I would be very happy. It's so frustrating.
Also, my hairdresser moved to Annapolis and I haven't figured out a good way to get my bangs trimmed regularly. Being home today means I can get to a local salon before they close at 6. (I don't get why so many close at 6 on weekdays!)
I'm developing an unhealthy obsession with this whole PUA movement thingy that I learned about after the gym shootings by the "nice guy" who was sure he was entitled to fresh young women by the boatload.
I can't stop reading about it. Which is just making me more and more angry. Ugh.
Allyson, get out of my head! I've been doing the same thing, right down to the Hulk Smash anger.
The healthcare stuff is making me angry, with people hijacking town meetings and spreading such rampant disinformation.
And *deliberately* and *knowingly* spreading disinformation. "Death squads"?!?! I cannot believe that anyone with 2 brain cells believes that shit.
What is "PUA"?
Pick-up artist. Not the Robert Downey Jr. movie, but a whole movement designed to "teach" men how to trick women into having sex with them.
No, really.
ugh, I googled and now I want to throw up.
Oh, at least the healthcare arguments are bringing out the crazies, which makes for good jokes about Obama Death Panels, and Stephen Hawking, who would be killed under a national health plan, or the anti-public "activist" who is laid off and uninsured, so he's having to pass the hat and ask for donations to pay for his ER bill.
kinda funny (in a "yes there is a ton of yucky dirt out there" way): [link]
The PUA book/"program" called The Game (essentially, The Rules, but for men) suggests that a great way to pick up a woman is by insulting her.
No, really. Because it will force her to engage with the PUA by way of refuting the insult.
And I wonder, has no one just punched a PUA in the nuts for walking up and insulting a total stranger?
Plus, I know that *I* always want to fuck someone who called me fat (or whatever insult). Cause that's HOT. You just KNOW a guy like that will respect you. And ALWAYS use a condom.
Just so you know: amongst my people-with-HIV friends, there's genuine fear that that they will be targeted for "forced euthanasia" in some new Evil Empire State Controlled Healthcare system. I'm trying to calm them down, but it's not that they believe the hype - it's that they can't hear any rational poke-holes-in-stupid-crap speeches above the din of the fearmongers. It's infuriating and terrifying. *I* know this is crap, and I'm outraged that my already-sick friends have to deal with THIS TOO.
It's insane. Absolutely insane.
Allyson, get out of my head!
Holy crap! Really? I'm so frustrated at the sense of entitlement, and that there's now a "forced loneliness" movement that blames feminism for men who live in mommy's basement. You see, if it weren't for feminism, more women would need these creepy guys in order to you know, have a roof over their heads. Because women don't have to completely rely on men for shelter, these men are now FORCED to be lonely. WOE.
Yeah, the whole PUA bugs the hell out of me.