Having an ADD roommate means never being able to find anything in a logical place. Still looking for the radiator key... which was cleverly tagged with keychain that said RADIATOR KEY.
So far I've found the missing screwdriver in the silverware drawer, an old remote, a squeeze bulb for irrigating ear canals, spare ink inserts for pens, but no radiator key.
Here our groupon is $20 for $60 worth of photo books. I bought one.
Let me know what you think of it when you get it done. I'm curious about it but trying to save more than spend right now. I bet something like that would be a great keepsake after an F2F, though.
And seconding msbelle's rec to allrecipes. That's my go-to site for recipes.
Let me know what you think of it when you get it done.
I had never seen them before but during my trip to CA, I couple different people showed me albums they had made. They were done by different companies but looked really cool. I'm horrible about doing anything with the pictures I take. I've had plans for years of making albums for each of the kids - but maybe this will spur me into making some brag books for each of them.
It is a good thing I was on the phone for my last meeting, because my eyerolling was uncontainable. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
At least my boss/client just floated the idea of continuing my contract into February.
What's the original end date for your contract, Jesse?
New Guy, when you ask me to set up a conference call for you for 8, please be on it? Or at least, when you come in, dial in without me prompting you to?
Yay for Jesse's contract extension, and get-better-soons for all those who need them!
There are very few people at work today. We've got about 4-5 inches of snow already, and are predicted to get up to a foot or so before tomorrow afternoon, so I'm guessing even fewer people will be in tomorrow.
My drive in wasn't too bad, except for the SUV who decided he was immune to any road condition problems, got so close to my rear bumper that I could not see his headlights in my rearview mirror while I was going 25 mph, and then flew past me going 40 while everyone else was going 25, leaving a blizzard of snow flying off of his uncleared-off vehicle (his rear window was completely covered in snow) and blinding anyone directly behind him. Jerk.