For those of you anxiously awaiting the update: no homework done. also another day of disrespectful behavior to the afterschool teacher. The admin from the afterschool talks to me like he knows more about how to deal with mac than I do and while it is good that he is not of the mindset that a hardline is the road to take, he is also not a trained educator, therapist, or social worker. Thanks for all the talking guy, but really, I am working with two medical professionals on this and when he threatens violence it is 1) not in any way ok 2) HAS to be reported to me and 3) will not be solved by being your "buddy".
we are over 50% through homework now. I think the work they are doing in writing right now is triggering him. It is not easy for me to tell exactly what they are doing, but it is involving writing about feelings and also family. two hot spots for the price of one!
OMG you guys - I just came across the best conspiracy theory EVAR. Apparently Lady Gaga is a member of the Illuminati.
This almost makes up for being offline all day due to having Actual Work to do.
For those of you anxiously awaiting the update: no homework done.
Stupid lying Magic 8-Ball. Good lord, re: Afterschool guy.
Lady Gaga is a member of the Illuminati.
Wasn't that linked here before? I think that site is the only reason I've seen any of her videos.
If Erin comes back, I found a bit of stuff, but it is mostly delinquency/pre-foreclosure. I do have a couple of #'s
HUD Housing counseling-1-800-569-4287
If you want to email me at the profile address, go ahead, and I can try to be more specific.
If Lady Gaga is part of the Illuminati, I think we can all rest easy that the Illuminati will not be taking over the world any time soon.
If Lady Gaga is part of the Illuminati, I think we can all rest easy that the Illuminati will not be taking over the world any time soon.
And that we've been dramatically wrong about the dress code.
Went to the gym after work, and then the grocery store to get Kleenex and some fixings for green curry chicken. Have brought my work laptop home. If we actually get 12 inches of snow tomorrow, I guess I'm prepared.
Timelies all!
I thought I had an appointment tomorrow at 8 am, but then I looked at the reminder card and it said 1/6/2010. So I go to the office and wait. And wait, and wait. Until the receptionist gets there at 9, and informs me that my appointment is tomorrow after all. Feh.
Goddammit. Olivia just swallowed a penny. Doesn't seem to be lodged anywhere dangerous so we're going to call the pediatrician in the morning.