Raising kids is hard.
I currently have a 13 year old who has back slid into lying about things he wants to avoid. Finishing his homework, doing chores, and basic things like brushing his teeth. I can usually figure it out and call him on it, but it is exhausting. I hate doubting every answer he gives me. We went through this a while back and things have been much better until recently.
Poor msbelle & noodle. May tomorrow be less drama.
So I have eightmillion cfl 100-equiv bulbs (courtesy of many unplanned trips to hardware stores around Earth Day. 3 different ones! Several times each! They kept offering me more, and what with the new house, who was I to refuse??) but what I need? One 3 way, and one 60W equiv. Cry for me. Or, um, laugh.
One is the porch light, which won't get got to until Friday when I can do that in the light. Ladders+ dark + unfamiliar fixture + broken glass (need to replace that), bad. BUT, maybe I can take an unbroken piece in to Ace to see if they can cut me a new one!
Also, Theo? I hope you get some good and heartening feedback, and even better? A job soon!
We've decided to host a superbowl party. We got a bunch of small, toy footballs to use as invitations. I'm going to write the invites on them in sharpie and DH is going to toss them out at work.
Cash, that's an awesome idea.
Ok, who know anything about foreclosures and /or refinancing?
BF's house in in foreclosure, we have until 1/14 till the court date, and until Friday to do anything like refinancing. I just found out because he was trying not to worry me -- whatev, we will talk about that later -- but now I need the considerable smarts of the hive mind to pull with me to see what I can find out.
I know JACK about mortages and refinancing. Can we refinance a house in three days?
Thanks, and any info is welcome. I am in full call-out-the-reinforcments mode. I do not want to have to move in February.
Thundercats, HO!
(xposted in Bitches)
Erin, I have no idea having only done a first mortgage, but maybe he should be contacting brokers? And making sure he has all the financing (tax records, paystubs, all that shit they'll need) upfront and ready to go. Mine came through fast, but it was vanilla and a first, not a refi.
I do know that actual short-sales took forever, so there's that.
I know JACK about mortages and refinancing. Can we refinance a house in three days?
Me too! I also know JACK about the federal assistance available thanks to the stimulus package so, you know, check that out. Applying for that may put the breaks on other things.
Makes too much to qualify for it. Basically, it's the back payments that got all fucked up in the divorce.
I think he's going to have to get a loan in a hurry.
Erin, I clearly no nothing about finances or mortgages, or pretty much anything useful.
I am intrigued by the Where to Eat Chain Restaurant Edition flow chart but I love the which candy should I eat chart the most.