I hope mac's talk with his uncle helps. Poor noodle.
I have an insulated lunch box in the oven and need to do the bag I take to work next. "Cooking" bags was really not something I ever thought I'd be doing on a weekly basis.
I have no idea what this means.
Maybe I can tell stories on the radio for a living to people stuck in drive time traffic.
I'd listen.
brenda - it's a treatment to kill bedbugs and eggs. Just insuring that anything I take out of my house has been treated as much as I can.
Gotcha. My friend C had a round of bedbugs a year or two ago and man oh man do I not envy what you're going through.
The Allyson vids make me smile.
Msbelle, I hope for improvement on all fronts.
So, my parents took my nephew to a very rural restaurant and later, when asked what he thought about it he said it was "ghetto." My parents asked what his definition of ghetto was and he said, "old." That boy is way too suburban.
So I just got this book...
Yeah. I cried like a jackass. You guys. I've no words...
Heh. I've been wanting to ask about the book all summer, but I didn't dare brave the cat herding forum again, because it made me want to thunk my head against my desk.
I'm so glad you got it, Allyson. Julia, who signed it too (I think; I know she was with me when I met up with Theodosia) is actually and fully literate now (as opposed to when we signed the book).
Now it's time for your next book. You'll have a signed copy by your 40th birthday. Swear.
I think the next generation of Buffistas had time to go through puberty in the time it took us to get that project done with...but it's done now, and it was well worth it!
The ellipses thing... is exactly... how... Barbara Cartland... wrote romance dialogue....
NOOOOOO! Please don't die! These are horrible final last words!
(For the record, I first heard ellipses in fake French accent, but that didn't illustrate well my hate towards them (or, more likely, the people who are using them. A lot). Had to go with the On Death Bed thing).
I said goodbye to my father fifteen minutes ago and I just now got off the phone with him.
I suspect you have my mother as your father.
The Allyson vids make me smile.
Damn right. And I agree about the voice thing.
Yay, Allyson! I love that we managed to get that done! I didn't think it was going to happen for a while in there. Hee.
morning fail. please request a do over, preferably with more sleep.
Yay, Allyson! I love that we managed to get that done! I didn't think it was going to happen for a while in there. Hee.
I can't believe we managed to keep it from her for so long! That was a truly Herculean effort not to blog about it, not discuss it in Natter, not to build the book its own Facebook page. Amazing.
So very glad it finally got to you, Allyson.