Mmm... cookies.
I just rearranged some kitchen cabinets and did the dishes, including running the dishwasher. Now I want to take down my Christmas tree, and I have to wrap the last presents, to be given tomorrow.
Now I'm trying to figure out the best way to get to my parents' tomorrow, since the subway will not be running to their stop. This is some NYC-style bullshit! The good news is, there are several bus options, but I can't decide what's best.
Ok, I think I am done with lounging around. time to shower and get to housework. I need a plan, right now there are too many half-done things.
It has been a pretty good run here, so far -- I don't think I went two months in NYC without major weekend subway problems!
A financial account I closed 5 years ago, no need to keep those documents, right?
Happy New Year! I was awake for East Coast but watching a movie.
So, I'm back to watching Burn Notice, and I think there's something around his general nose/mouth/chin area that looks like msbelle's mac sometimes.
There has been a lot of nose blowing and napping so far today. I must be sick, I napped after a pot of tea!
The DH was not feeling well and our Thai place was closed last night, so we scrounged up spaghetti and meatballs from stuff in the kitchen and then ended up going to bed at 10:00. Today, we organize the garage and I put a new toilet seat on. Heigh Ho, the glamorous life./Sondheim reference
I've got a cold. Feckin' illness.
And I was hoping for health and prosperity this year.
Oh well, it's not a patch on the flu I had.