My New Year's record of doom remains unblemished. While getting ready to prep the food for tonight's fondue, the SO dropped the knife and cut his finger. Bled pretty good for a while, but it's nicely wrapped up now. He's fine, if disappointed and unhappy and sore.
But we had to call off the kiddoes, and while we had fondue type food, I just fried it over the stove instead of participatory dinner.
What does the new year have against me? What is its problem!
Real Maple Syrup is the one true syrup. All of the rest is crap.
Ha! Be careful of wandering three-year-olds, because Bob Bob's biological clock is ticking like THIS!
How's yours doing? K still talks about the dinner where you called Noah freaky.
I have red velvet cake in the oven. It was extremely messy but I can't WAIT to eat it. NOM NOM NOM. I'm going to wait until morning though.
I have to do the black eyed peas next. I wish I had a waffle maker for tomorrow. And pearl sugar. and yeast to make belgian waffles of the true variety.
What is the point of me checking in online ahead of time if I don't get a seat assignment? It didn't even show me any available seats on the plane--they were either occupied or required a $49 upgrade. I call shenanigans.
But it printed me out something.
I had Christmas morning waffles. They were nummy. And there were leftovers consumed two more breakfasts later.
C - Perry, M - Friel (Esp if Thewlis comes with her), F - Dechanel.
Liese, New Year's Eve wants to you to come spend it here! IJS.
I met Iman once. It was like chatting with a masterpiece. Her beauty was staggering.
What is the point of me checking in online ahead of time if I don't get a seat assignment?
I hate that. Did you buy direct from the airline? What airline is it?
I would run away from Iman, I would be so in awe/intimidated.
For serious.
Then I could have ruined your New Year's instead!
Re: hair, I agree with the Portman loveliness regardless of state of hair, and that Morena looks completely different with and without hair.
I miss my lack of hair. I would like to shave it entirely, but the kids I'm working with are no longer so fringe. Plus I think the SO's mohawk might be all the radical hair this town can take.
I'm growing mine out now. I think I'm going to bob it once more to get rid of the color, then grow it for Locks of Love. I need to grow it for a while to save on cash, because it's too dang expensive to get it cut as often as necessary to keep a short cut looking decent.
But once we get through that phase, I'd really like to do it short again. It's funny though, because every time I get a very radical cut, it's commonplace for the suburbs within a couple of years. Then I have to get something even more radical. There's only so much I can do, peoples! Stop coopting my radical!