What is the point of me checking in online ahead of time if I don't get a seat assignment? It didn't even show me any available seats on the plane--they were either occupied or required a $49 upgrade. I call shenanigans.
But it printed me out something.
I had Christmas morning waffles. They were nummy. And there were leftovers consumed two more breakfasts later.
C - Perry, M - Friel (Esp if Thewlis comes with her), F - Dechanel.
Liese, New Year's Eve wants to you to come spend it here! IJS.
I met Iman once. It was like chatting with a masterpiece. Her beauty was staggering.
What is the point of me checking in online ahead of time if I don't get a seat assignment?
I hate that. Did you buy direct from the airline? What airline is it?
I would run away from Iman, I would be so in awe/intimidated.
For serious.
Then I could have ruined your New Year's instead!
Re: hair, I agree with the Portman loveliness regardless of state of hair, and that Morena looks completely different with and without hair.
I miss my lack of hair. I would like to shave it entirely, but the kids I'm working with are no longer so fringe. Plus I think the SO's mohawk might be all the radical hair this town can take.
I'm growing mine out now. I think I'm going to bob it once more to get rid of the color, then grow it for Locks of Love. I need to grow it for a while to save on cash, because it's too dang expensive to get it cut as often as necessary to keep a short cut looking decent.
But once we get through that phase, I'd really like to do it short again. It's funny though, because every time I get a very radical cut, it's commonplace for the suburbs within a couple of years. Then I have to get something even more radical. There's only so much I can do, peoples! Stop coopting my radical!
I hate that. Did you buy direct from the airline? What airline is it?
United. I bought through Priceline. The first leg of the flight I'm checked in and I have a seat (on Frontier). The second leg, annoyingly, where I can't even get there early, is where I can't get a headstart.
Ouch, Liese!
I would run away from Iman, I would be so in awe/intimidated.
Kinda oddly, that was me and Eric Idle. I was so worried I'd go up to him and ask to have his children I just had to flee the room.
Then I could have ruined your New Year's instead!
Nah. Our house has a special non-ruinable NYE shield. The Rose Bowl Parade people provide them to people throughout SoCal.