Studies have shown that the statistics arch-nemesis can be defeated 78.32% of the time.
Which is still higher than my class' average in the first time the test was given (I never took it - two days before I had a another huge test, and no chance I'll be able to study everything in time).
Oh, and thanks! God knows I'm gonna need all the luck in the world coming Thursday.
Cat cleared of illegal porn charges
"Your honor, I thought it was kitty porn..."
I murdered the hated bush out front. Pruning would be too kind a word. I'm going to still have to borrow the proffered saw from my neighbor to finish up the job, but I have 4 bags of branches as proof something was accomplished.
My hands are going to hurt tomorrow. Still want to walk the lake, but I think it is too hot for that after this activity. I'm filthy.
They're taking the linguistic angle of graffiti as "inscribed" in the form of governmental warnings, instructions, "how to take said medicine"
So they're writing about things like the signs by the elevators at my last company, the ones that said "In case of fire, do not take elevators. Take 'exit' stairs?" Those are the ones that left me wondering, "Are they just exit stairs? Can't I use them to enter? How are exit stairs different from regular stairs? Do they not really 'exit' at all?"
That too, Ginger. I believe that part is somewhere between the "infantialize the consumers", the rise of the risk society and of course, Foucault's "docile bodies".
Can't do statistics. Going to stare at the tv and drink minted-lemonade.
Take 'exit' stairs?" Those are the ones that left me wondering, "Are they just exit stairs? Can't I use them to enter?
One of our banks of stairs in our building is specially designed for [something I can't really remember related to fire]. You can enter on any floor but only get out at the lobby. So yeah, exit stairs. (And since we're on the 47th floor, you learn pretty quick which is which.)
I have to buy a dress to wear to a wedding. Anyone want to shop for me?
Allyson, totally appropriate to name drop to the douchebag. What an ass.
Grrr. Owen wants my Simpsons stamps to send his "letters." Every time I need a stamp, I can never find one. Because the kids end up using them like stickers. He's very upset now.
I can report that Haagen-Dazs' caramelized hazelnut gianduja ice cream is really fucking tasty.