Take 'exit' stairs?" Those are the ones that left me wondering, "Are they just exit stairs? Can't I use them to enter?
One of our banks of stairs in our building is specially designed for [something I can't really remember related to fire]. You can enter on any floor but only get out at the lobby. So yeah, exit stairs. (And since we're on the 47th floor, you learn pretty quick which is which.)
I have to buy a dress to wear to a wedding. Anyone want to shop for me?
Allyson, totally appropriate to name drop to the douchebag. What an ass.
Grrr. Owen wants my Simpsons stamps to send his "letters." Every time I need a stamp, I can never find one. Because the kids end up using them like stickers. He's very upset now.
I can report that Haagen-Dazs' caramelized hazelnut gianduja ice cream is really fucking tasty.
Bathroom humour, or horror: [link]
Happy Birthday Aimée!
I read ellipses and the massive use of them as is the email was written by a 20 something tubercular woman in the 18th century with a faint voice. I read "Will see you... sure it'll be a blast... gotta go now... love 'ya" and can't help but thinking "Noooo! Don't die!".
When I read someone's writing in that style I always mentally "hear" them in William Shatnerese.
"Must defeat Khan... before he can sabotage... the warp core!"
Shrub murdering was more of a workout than I thought. I'm aching in all sorts of places.
I need to rent a parking space to someone. I suspect this means I will have to deal with people via Craigslist, and I'm not looking forward to it.