one of them calls her brother her "brosband," which always makes me laugh
Okay, freak me out. One should never combine those two words.
does the cached DNS value still expire 24 hours after the first hit?
Yes, tommyrot.
What counts as the first hit? This morning? What if I'm never away for 24 hours? Does it count down from the very first time I hit and then time out every 24 hours from then?
Okay, freak me out. One should never combine those two words.
Sure, if you're dirty.
I am girding my loins to head outside. Oh dear.
What if I'm never away for 24 hours?
Heh, seriously. Because outside of overseas vacations, that just doesn't happen very often.
Sure, if you're dirty.
Hello? Brother? Husband? Very different functionality. It doesn't take a dirty mind to realise that. There's a reason the term work spouse is sometimes seen as dodgy.
Is bromance also off, ita?
Damn, my bike tires were lower than I thought. Putting air in made a
difference. And one guy at the bike shop had never seen a bike tire with an air valve like mine. Another guy said it was a "weird European" air valve.
And once again I'm all sweaty.
I call mac: my son, noodle, the child, my brother's nephew - almost never his name.
One of my aunt and uncles call each other Love, when I was little I thought it was the weirdest thing.
Should I ever have a partner, there's a solid chance I would call him Monkey half the time.
What counts as the first hit? This morning? What if I'm never away for 24 hours? Does it count down from the very first time I hit and then time out every 24 hours from then?
Really, DNS is not that complicated. It works something like this:
Lookup ""
Is "" in No
the local DNS server's cache? ---------+
| |
| Yes |
| |
V |
Has the cache age of Yes |
"" expired? ----------+
| |
| No |
| |
Use the cached record of Lookup "" from
"". its authoritative name server, and
save it in the local cache.
I tend to refer to my DH either by his name or by "my husband." I also am the freak who started to call him Dad and "your dad" when talking to the kids. (PS that is an embarrassing admission.)
Sigh. I never got around to dismantling the tree. I know I'm going to regret that one.
OMG I am so in love with Tom's fancy pants post I want to marry it.