Obviously I say "SO" when talking about D., but that's an internet phenomenon left over from when I wasn't revealing my gender identity. In real life I say "my husband, D." a lot, particularly because we discovered that a lot of our kids don't realize we're married. Sometimes they ask us if we're brother and sister, I guess when we talk about living in the same house or something. Which is pretty funny with our ethnic heritage differences, but I guess to them it's not that odd to have siblings of varying ethnicities.
I notice that I say, "my friend, X" when I'm talking about all y'all because I must feel odd introducing some completely random name. I just say the friend's name if it's someone I'm talking about meatspace to meatspace.
Could someone please predict how sick I'll be next year, so I can decide which insurance plan to pick?
Yet another fabulous feature of the fucked upedness of the US healthcare system. We did eenie-meanie-minie-mo. And I threw a dart at a board to guess our FSA deduction.
I didn't do a medical FSA this year, though perhaps I should have. Just childcare and we'll go over that by no problem.
Different sites on the Internet can specify how long their DNS names are cached. www.buffistas.org has a cache lifetime of 86400 seconds, or 24 hours. Big commercial web sites like to specify a cache lifetime that is much shorter. For example, google.com has a cache lifetime of only three minutes. This allows it to recover from failure quicker; if a host goes down, the bad address won't get stuck in other people's DNS caches for very long.
I'm going to get new glasses tomorrow due to FSA screw-ups. Possibly two pairs. Feh.
OOh, the mysteries of DNS, partially revealed....
Sometimes they ask us if we're brother and sister, I guess when we talk about living in the same house or something.
I have two sets of relatives who are a brother and sister living together with their various children -- one of them calls her brother her "brosband," which always makes me laugh.
Tom, if you repeatedly hit a site like b.org, does the cached DNS value still expire 24 hours after the first hit?
I kinda want to invite people over for new years day, but it's super late and I have been so hermitized that I have no meatspace life anymore.