I think it's funny because when I'm worried about my wallet, I pat the pocket that has my keys in it. So I figure I'll get pickpocketed, but the wrong pocket.
So tonight, the SO is doing winter camping like a crazy person. He's just in town because he ended up not having two nights in a row without plans during break. But he appears to be alive and having what must be a good time? I'm not too sure. I'm hanging out by the fire with the dog.
And watching Utopia. Hee.
Cap'n Jack: "I was just saying hello."
Martha: "I didn't mind!"
Oh, Jack.
I mean the checking, not the carrying.
Oh, well both me and my bag were tucked under my coat, and it was dark, so not many people actually noticed.
Am so going on an austerity budget this spring. Last couple of months have been murder on the checking account.
Me too. I was being really good about buying stuff for me, but then the cats, the car, computer issues, and Christmas all made huge dents in my plans.
Am so going on an austerity budget this spring. Last couple of months have been murder on the checking account.
Me too. I was being really good about buying stuff for me, but then the cats, the car, computer issues, and Christmas all made huge dents in my plans.
I spent almost $600 on my car this month. It was all maintenance, some of which was planned for (new brakes, new drive belts, oil change; however, it ended up being ~$150 more than I had anticipated), some of which wasn't planned for ($100 for a new battery). Ouch.
I'm still fine, budget-wise, but I sure haven't been able to save as much as I had hoped this month. Jeez.
We need to do the austerity budget, too, for serious.
Although I suppose it might be worse to lose my keys. I don't generally have any money! But id theft.
Pretty much haven't been able to save anything since the move. And that's not even counting things like the deck and doors and whatnot (which were budgeted for.) But that was expected. I just hate months when I am spending more than I make, planned or not. Between my teeth, the trip this summer, the holidays....yeah.
Okay, I keep reading about the airplane terrorist from Christmas Day, and I have a couple of thoughts:
1. You know how the media MUST give notorious figures a nickname -- i.e., "Shoe Bomber." Does this mean that the current yahoo is going to be the Crotch Bomber?
2. Okay. I admit that being a suicide bomber/kamikaze is a whole level of crazy that I can't comprehend. Fanaticism like whoa. But how EXTRA crazy did the Crotch Bomber have to be to STRAP EXPLOSIVES TO HIS JUNK?!?
I mean, seriously. He had to be pretty fucking sure that he was going to blow the plane out of the sky, because if it only ignited and burned, rather than going kaboom, then he was LIGHTING HIS JUNK ON FIRE!!!
How extra goddamn fucking crazy do you have to be to strap explosives to your genitals?!?!?
(Or near enough to them that it qualifies as "strapped to.")
And then despite all that, it did in fact fail, and I believe he did in fact burn the shit out of his junk.
Whole new level of WTfuckingF, way beyond the WTF involved in just trying to comprehend suicide bombers.
The Crotch Bomber, ladies and gentlemen.
Of course, it just occurs to me I have gift cards out the wazoo for clothing and Home Despot. So that helps, since I need both and wouldn't spend it on myself otherwise, no matter how dire the need.
How extra goddamn fucking crazy do you have to be to strap explosives to your genitals?!?!?
So crazy you'd want to bother bombing Detroit.