We're having a super low key Christmas, just the two of us (plus Seabiscuit!) for the first time in our house! Two years ago this time we were frantically painting, and our Christmas dinner was sitting on boxes in the sunroom with the kitchen cabinetry in pieces all around us. Last year we were back east. This year, home!
Today is pie day. I have pumpkin pie intentions, but lack pecans for the crust, so am substituting macadamias, which I always seem to have. I always overestimate about pies, though, so if I end up with extra crust I'll also be doing apple. Oh, and banana bread. I need to go start that now.
Tomorrow is a high risk high reward dinner. We're doing goose again, but this time it's wild game. Dave's buffalo-hunting, ammunition-making buddy gave it to us, along with two ducks. I need to do some time on target planning today to make sure it all works out tomorrow. I already have the mashed potatoes done and frozen. Pies today.
That will mean tomorrow is goose, stuffing, sweet rolls, cranberry sauce, marinated veggies (ooh, I need to marinate tonight, too), corn casserole. What else? I could try deviled eggs, too, but I have hard-boiling issues. Ha. That sounded like a pun somehow.
Okay, not so low key in the kitchen, I guess. And it's just the two of us! Hee.
eta: Oh, Perkins, bummer. I wave futilely at you from a couple more hours east.