Mmmmmmm. I had Upper Peninsula pasties (pass-tees, not paste-ees) for lunch. I do love my occasional visits up to MI. (I'm not in the UP, but there's a store near by that caters to displaced Yoopers.)
This is my first parent-free Christmas. It's been good spending it with my sister and her gang, but it's odd not to be watching over one parent or the other. With my sis it's just a case of being not-too-difficult a guest and letting the dogs out occasionally.
Popping in to wish a merry Christmas to those who celebrate it and a happy long weekend to everyone.
I was looking at Norad's Santa Tracker. At the time I was looking, his next stop was the International Space Station. I'm glad they thought of that.
macadamias, which I always seem to have.
I do too. It's a hawaiian in the midwest syndrome. In fact, we have three bags of macadamias, but no pecans or walnuts.
I think I'm going to make more of the magic granola.
Also, our insurance is changing on January 1st, so I've been trying to figure out how to get new cards, new PCP elections etc. I also went to the doc yesterday to get some relief from extreme neck pain since who knows when I can see someone again.
How is it I just realized there is a new panda cub at the San Diego Zoo: [link]
Christmas Eve afternoon is the ideal time to make changes to our client's production servers.
Which we've now done. So I can go home. Yay!
I guess rescheduling the drive to my best friend's last night was a good call, as I slept until 12:30 in the afternoon. Hopefully I'm now rested enough to get through family time tonight.
We're in Ohio. Cousin togetherness is pretty cool, and Dillo is coping with the large (but gentle and friendly) dog okay (he is afraid of dogs.) The adults are dysfunctional, but that's why it's nice to have kids.
They have a mostly-melted dusting of snow, and Dillo is in heaven. Too bad it's unlikely to actually snow.
It's a hawaiian in the midwest syndrome.
Totally. I also have three bags of macadamias. But now I have two, plus two pie crusts with a butter/brown sugar/macadamia bottom layer in the oven.
I also have completed banana bread, but it has sadly suffered containment failure and is a yummy pile of banana crumbs. Oops.